Was he arrested or was he taken out due to medical reasons? Seems to be both stories going around about it.

He was escorted in by the same guy that took him out. So either medical reasons or he was already arrested before the start of the session.

Came back and made a speech so it seems like it was a medical thing.

10 days later

Not just Bibi, this time the kingmakers in Tkuma are basically Nazis.

3 months later
20 days later


So the US and Norway bombed Nord Stream and NS2. @QuincyAbeyie disgraceful you wouldn't share this piece of news beforehand with your Tolly buddies.

Germany's news outlets have been outdoing each other today trying to tear down Hersh's reputation 😆 perfectly normal response to a journalist revealing who attacked your own federal facilities.

    Seymour Hersh, now that is a name I've not heard in a while.

    Charlie Hebdo is still classy as always.

    5 days later
    22 days later

    I wonder how much if any of this timidity in the tech markets is LLM and AI related, as opposed to just the long-awaited further unfolding of all the crypto and bubble losses of the past year and a bit.

    As someone who does a lot of "bespoke" software work AI seems to be casting a fairly long shadow on perceptions currently.

    9 days later

    SVB was the canary in the coal mine

    Good thing all those revised accords and prudential regulations went in after 2008—should make it a certainty none of these institutions are so over-leveraged they're vulnerable to contagion. It's great how well the whole system works these days.

    Disclaimer: I know less than nothing about this but I daresay no one has a grasp of the full picture anyway.

    It seems like the US/UK GSIBs have benefited from the post 2008 regulation and are actually not too vulnerable to contagion. They'll likely benefit from this as more power flows to them (e.g. like UBS and HSBC have) and away from the other banks.

    4x greater capital requirements, RFB, CASS, etc. definitely ensures that the banks aren't able to repeat the mistakes of 2008. However, if sentiment turns and markets get spooked then it doesn't really matter, because it markets will fall regardless.

    2 months later

    I feel like he's getting more blatant with his racism now. He's always been a massive dick, but he used to at least try to hide it, making the meme kids think he was going to save the world etc.

    a month later

    Anyone following the Titanic disaster news? Absolute mind boggling the lack of safety features and escape functions for the participants.


      Ironic that they likely met the same fate as those who used the Titanic. Imagine paying $250k and using this to manuver this submersible:

        Bryant Their light in the sub is bought from camping world and it's ballast are construction pipes...

        Nvm. Debris found. RIP.

        At least it was quick

          Wagner group and Russians have fallen out, sounds like the Wagner group have taken two cities and talk of a coup. Has been bubbling for a while now.

          Clrnc Really sad it ended like this but sounds like the guy who was running the operation was cutting loads of corners.

          No matter how this ends, the last one year has destroyed Russia’s military reputation.

            Mirth Depends where you are from. Here in east europe it was no surprise, nothing to destroy, we knew they are incompetent and corrupted at every lvl. It's just how things work in ex soviet states.

            French policing makes American police look normal.

            2 months later

            Couldn't he make it less obvious...

            Definitely an accident

            One of Putin's greatest achievements in "denazification" to date

            2 months later

            Daz Rustbucket settler colony, more a failed excavation project than a nation

            • Daz likes this.

            i love the way certain people use the word divisive.

            it's funny and sad how people are the same everywhere or at least the same wherever you find murdoch owned media. just reading the articles i'm like is this peter dutton guy ron dekkklantis in disguise ... is jacinta price a clarence thomas wannabe?

            Yeah Jacinta Price is the Indigenous equivalent of an "Uncle Tom" I guess, she's bought and paid for. Has received a lot of income from a conservative think-tank.

            The Voice to Parliament has really been scuttled by the navel-gazing left this time though. Would've had a chance if there'd been a bit of solidarity.

              clarence thomas is bought and paid for too, he gets flown around like an instagram thot going to dubai. the murdoch world is just too damn similar.

                It’s always interesting looking at the demographics behind votes like this. Is it true that other ethnic minorities also voted against this?Is that just because the campaigning was bad?

                  Mirth Is it true that other ethnic minorities also voted against this?

                  Australia's two larger non-European migrant communities, Indian and Chinese, tended to favour "yes" more than the wider population according to all the reporting I read.

                    A few people I know from ethnic minorities told me quite vociferously they were voting No because why should one group of people get more of a say than them. They felt "really insulted".

                    It either shows a lack of understanding or empathy, or negativity towards First Nations people here. I suspect a bit of both.

                    Sadly the Yes campaign was run quite poorly, but also the conservative party here could have supported the proposal. Plenty of individuals from that side of politics voted Yes, but the leadership is run by a bunch of literal potato heads. I always think I couldn't dislike a politician more, and then they somehow find one.

                    I think a lot of people wanted to vote No, and then used Jacinta Price as an excuse to say "oh look, even the Aboriginals don't want this". The irony is they use her to support their thinking, but she really wants a Treaty, and if you thought this referendum was defeated soundly just imagine how a vote on a Treaty would go.

                    This country still really doesn't like Aboriginal people much, unless they win stuff at sport.

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