It's not just Somalia too, South Sudan Ethiopia the DR Congo and as you probably know parts of Nigeria suffer from massive crop failures and collapsed supply channels, then you add Yemen and Afghanistan where the famines are entirely results of political decisions (not saying that the formers aren't also partially). All places named not only among the most exposed to climate change but the poorest in the world, but that doesn't even deserve mentioning.
I struggle with myself for doing it because Ukrainian people are obviously not at fault and deserve the same sympathy, but the disgustingly brazen contempt and ignorance the brown and black undesirables are treated with in contrast with the overwhelming support makes my blood boil. Be it that even here in Germany (with very little ties to the country) you can barely go anywhere without seeing the Ukrainian colours everywhere, or how the government decided to massively harm the country's economy and people's wellbeing in order to ruin Russia's economy. Recently even mentioning crises elsewhere in the world gets you the label of whataboutism, being a "Putin-understander" and similar nonsense.
It's not like the maiming and loss of human life around the world and the West's indifference to it is something new, and not even that the West has been claiming the high road all the time while being the main contributor to these catastrophes. Even though I understand that it's only being done because the one kicking off a war is now on the other side, the way that all of a sudden previously seemingly insurmountable mountains are suddenly moved in days because of this one war is what drives me mad.