I would agree with you, white supremacism is a historical aberration brought about by uneven development and geography. So is the concept of race as it manifests today for that matter. I'd say the capacity to embark on a centuries long colonial expansion lurks in every people, but it was Europe's mercantilism, internecine warfare and later its capitalism that armed it with the tools and practices to make it happen.
Today the foundations of nationalism (or its supra-national variety in the EU) have more to do with ideological production than complexion … skin colour, modes of dress, extreme claims about religious practices or "incompatible values" are vehicles for the labour of the ideological producers … to back this up, you can just look at the history of what white Europeans have said and continue to say about each other.
So I'd say the reason for that 30–60% gap is firstly that there's far less ideological vilification of East Asians as individuals or "speculative citizens" in recent history, and secondly that Hong Kong is seen as a British property and associated with patriotic nostalgia, and its people the victims of suppression by the Chinese state, which is the new geopolitical bogeyman.
As an example of how this works, you could consider the claims that Ukrainian refugees are "civilised", educated, watch Netflix etc … thing is, in the case of Australia's offshore black sites, the people, predominantly Persian, Afghan or Afghan Hazara, Rohingya or Syrian, who have been held in them are widely tertiary educated, with engineering and medical degrees etc. That's because it was their class position in their countries of origin that allowed them to fund and attempt the difficult transit here as refugees, often sending younger sons ahead of a family that stayed behind.
I am tired of it all, as in my lifetime over here there have been several waves of "enemy-making" nationalism, Japan in the 80s, Islam in the 90s and beyond, China more recently. Each has constructed a new manifestation of racism out of the basic fabric of Australian white supremacism. The case of China is troublesome, as it will become the world's most powerful state and harbours territorial and imperial ambitions, but doesn't do so on the basis of the caricatured politics Australians get from their news outlets.
I deeply fear the advent of a historical era in which I'm drowned in a glut of anti-Chinese sentiment. My Prime Minister and Defence Minister are spouting Sinophobic rhetoric for domestic political gain every day lately.
If this shitty, pointless war were to end in a withdrawal with some concessions for Russia, I hope the EU may over time consider disengagement from the United States on military policy and re-engagement with Russia. Nearing 70 and with Putin's constituency eroding, perhaps there will eventually be a chance to do what they could've done ages ago, and integrate Russia into the European security environment and economic system.
Cries about "Putin's gangsterism" versus the hurdles to implement strong economic sanctions have brought not just the broad spectrum economic entanglement of Russia and Europe into focus, but the complicity of western corporations, regulators and political parties with Russian extractivism and its oligarchic system. We're all already connected, and in my opinion based on a ton of travel, people around the world are much more similar than they are different. We are a peaceful species caught up in artificial scarcity and forced labour. The hope would be that in a better future we'll look back on this era of borders as the abomination akin to slavery that it is.