y va marquer wrote:
For the record I've never seen or heard of any female friend / colleague harass, grope or assault a guy or falsely accuse them of rape.
I have to say that even now you guys do not get just how f***** bad it is and just how much it happens to women.
I told of what happened when I was 12 but there have been countless other instances from being jumped by a complete stranger at a party to having a work colleague pull the zip of my dress all the way down my back in a bar in front of everyone.
It's bloody ridiculous.
I don't say this to elicit sympathy I'm saying it now to demonstrate just how normalised and ignored this behaviour has been, how most of us women just get on with life and put the s*** behind us, but it's beginning to look like this thread is veering into the men are the ones suffereing territory - avalanches of false accusations on the horizon, super aggressive females roaming offices throughout the land.
It is really, really fucking bad. I mean, it's unbelievably bad. And what's worse is that the systems for mandatory reporting and offices that deal with harassment provide these annoying checklists that are not really about respecting your colleagues and students, but rather about covering the organization/institution's ass, and in turn become implicit instructions for how to "get away with it." I've heard people brag about how carefully they tread so they don't get in trouble, and how airtight their "systems" are. It's an absolute plague on our society, it's a plague on the earth, and I think to some extent that it is the very foundation of many of humanity's ills.
To your first point above, I have myself been harassed by a woman, my professor, as an undergraduate, and it wasn't cool or sexy and it fucked things up for me quite a bit. It's one reason why I have been committed to making sure it doesn't happen to other people when I am now in a position to stop it. Even so, I am under no insane delusion that somehow men are getting the short end of any sticks. It's laughable. Anecdotal situations are just that. Men falsely accuse people of things all the time, it's not really part of the same discussion as long as we maintain the democratic necessity of innocent until proven guilty under the law.
Frankly, the statistics don't really matter in that they are entirely unnecessary. It's one of the most widely obvious problem along with racism, climate change, and the threat of nuclear war, yet folks still find ways to quibble and squabble about it. I don't think the answer is to just tell everyone to be nice, treat women with respect, etc. It all gets a bit condescending, as if the power still lies entirely with men. A better answer is to concede positions of power to women, even those around you, even at your own expense, and for men to learn to be better followers, rather than always trying to lead the way.