He's going to start him, it's all in that picture

Arsenal version of Jordan Handerson. Workhorse and sideways pass specialist.

After seeing Elnenys gnashers I'm not so sure he should start.

Bring Back Kerrea Gilbert wrote:

I look forward to Elneny's return.

I know supporters tend to overstate the importance of a player to the team once they're away for a while (and when the team is completely shit), but Elneny has attributes that ANY midfield should require.

As Klaus says, he's excellent at keeping the ball moving quickly and accurately, and that includes actual forward, through-the-lines passes from time to time as well.

This season he's improved his ball-winning, too, and that's only going to get better with more game time.

Is he our saviour? Hell no, but he can actually aid and not hamper our passing game, plus he's a bundle of energy.

Yeah. I think he is a starter since the start of the season, never had as bad a game as the rest of our options and him coming back now will improve the team's pathetic form. And no, it has nothing to do with because he hasn't played recently when we were poor. Always thought he complement everyone well, passes incisively and forward. Can deal with pressure and has bags of stamina.

If Wenger allows him to go forward more with Coquelin sitting back more it will be excellent.

Very functional teeth. Those incisors look like they'd shred through most types of bread with ease

@lorddulaarsenal wrote:

Very functional teeth. Those incisors look like they'd shred through most types of bread with ease

Ketchup sandwich.?

Theo and Ozil starting. Very undeserved.

No Elneny either. Poor team but Hull should still be easily beaten.

Welbeck not starting I can understand, Lucas though I can't. Walcott better perform.

Another slow start it is then.

Really strong bench though. I guess that's something.

We should win this.

Hull's keeper gets on my nerves.

I've seen Hull lately. I fear we're gonna get punished for this team.

Hull are playing very well. If we start slow we will lose.

No excuses we are at home against a relegation side. Should be straight forward.

dont give away any stupid goals. if things are tight, the bench can bring it home

On amore positive note, it looks like Hernandez is missing the game for them.

Watching the Wenger montage on Sky. He seems like a different person back in the glory days