Still gotta assume.. I know nothing about this man.
He could have made a couple bad choices as a teenager only to realise his mistakes later on in life. He may look at the tattoo and hate it. Nobody knows, but we got a couple guys in here talking amongst themselves insinuating that he's definitely a Nazi, he should know a bit more before saying he's definitely one, right?
Motorhead use the jackboot font, and Lemmy has an extensive collection of Nazi uniforms and he even wears them now and again, he's spoken about his house looking like a fricking shrine to the Nazi's, but always says he collect the stuff, not the ideas.
If nobody knew a thing about Lemmy, we'd be sitting here calling him a Nazi too. Gotta know more about the person and try not to say he's this or that based off of a tattoo.
Nazi stuff is some of the most provocative imagery that you can brandish, and that's why people get tattoos or wear the stuff. This police officer could have some form of mental problem, again as a teenager for example, and wanted to stand out as he may have have been unable to do so in some of the ways most of us think are normal.
(Or he could just be a Nazi lover who isn't scared of the fact, and in that case he needs help and the Philidelphia police need to go public as to why they hired a Nazi.)