Meatwad wrote:
Qwiss! wrote:

There is no choice in this election that counts as a blow to racism. The Clintons have done more to fuck over black and latino Americans than Trump could ever dream of.

my time here isn't up yet, i still have to live here. there is a difference. i'd rather deal with racists who lash out because they feel threatened than racists who feel emboldened.

Stormfront, already one of the oldest and largest white nationalist websites, reported a 600% increase in readership since President Obama’s election, and now has more than one in five threads devoted to Trump. It reportedly had to upgrade its servers recently due to the increased traffic.

“Before Trump, our identity ideas, national ideas, they had no place to go,” said Richard Spencer, president of the National Policy Institute, a white nationalist think tank based in Arlington, Va.

Not since Southern segregationist George Wallace’s failed presidential bids in 1968 and 1972 have white nationalists been so motivated to participate in a presidential election.

Andrew Anglin, editor of the Daily Stormer website and an emerging leader of a new generation of millennial extremists, said he had “zero interest” in the 2012 general election and viewed presidential politics as “pointless.” That is, until he heard Trump.

“Trump had me at ‘build a wall,’” Anglin said. “Virtually every alt-right Nazi I know is volunteering for the Trump campaign.”

One California white nationalist leader dug into his own pockets to give $12,000 to launch a pro-Trump super PAC that made robocalls in seven primary states — with more promised before the Nov. 8 election.

Clinton's dire, but it's very important Trump doesn't get into office.

Rex wrote:

Watched the whole debate now. Trump was nowhere near as 'entertaining' as I hoped he would be. Plenty idiotic though, but I doubt any of the people planning to vote for him changed their minds.

I believe the play on both sides is for the undecided. The people who are considering voting for Mr Gary Johnson aka Mr. where is Aleppo, aka Mr. I don't know the names of any other world leaders, aka Mr creepy tongue face during interviews. 

If either candidate can harness a significant number of those protest votes they'd be instant favorites come the general elections

If the DNC hadn't fucked Sanders over this election would be a walk in the park.

Won't matter too much in the election if they don't vote! Having said that, it seems a lot of shady characters from this group are crawling out of the woodwork to vote Trump; his racist, bigoted, narrow minded ways appeal to them apparently.

Irish gunner wrote:

If the DNC hadn't fucked Sanders over this election would be a walk in the park.

Agreed, they really are arseholes who deserve to be pilloried.

Bold Tone wrote:

Aren't the remaining 23 million eligible voters, white women who overwhelmingly vote Clinton?

don't think Clinton is a natural choice for white women voters. Most of them voted against Obama. Its only due to Trumps rampant misogyny that they are turning to Clinton. And I don't think thats something that Clintons camp should be taking for granted. If these people are usually Republican voters they'll be looking for any excuse not to vote for Clinton now. It'll be interesting to see if they actually turn out for her.

The article highlighted a 47 million-strong group who decided neither Obama nor Romney was worth their vote.
It specifically mentioned 24 million men but nothing about the remaining 23 million women.

Oh right. Well do you think those women will be mobilised by Hillary or even anti-Trump sentiment? I think there is far too much stock put into these people who don't usually vote. I'd say the vast majority will stay true to form.

Anyway Bill and Obama are off sucking up to the Israelis at Shimon Peres funeral. Really don't care who does that job next.

thikn the article was just drumpf-centric looking at the drumpf reserves, not just analyzing a bloc of people for the sake of it. Women would probably distribute either way. Also, the alicia machado episode is probably clinton camp going after that women vote. I seem to remember these miss worlds and all having a contract requirement of duties and maintaining physical attributes for one year after the competition.

No one is off sucking up to the Israelis.  They are there to show respect.     

If Trump and his surrogates would shut up about about Alicia Machado, the issue would die down.  But Trump and his advisors just can not ignore Clinton's initial baiting.  They continue to get in their own way.   Friend of mine doing telephone work for Clinton in New Hampshire, told me of a conversation she had with a long time Republican woman who said she is not only not voting for Trump, but changing her party affiliation as well.

mags wrote:

No one is off sucking up to the Israelis.  They are there to show respect.    

Potato potato.

6 days later
Qwiss! wrote:

Oh right. Well do you think those women will be mobilised by Hillary or even anti-Trump sentiment? I think there is far too much stock put into these people who don't usually vote. I'd say the vast majority will stay true to form.

Anyway Bill and Obama are off sucking up to the Israelis at Shimon Peres funeral. Really don't care who does that job next.

Why wouldn't they suck up to an important ally?

I think it's important to listen to Alex Jones and what he has to say

One more from Jones, after getting trolled by Assange and Wikileaks

Mr Trump quickly responded, calling it "locker room banter".
"This was locker room banter, a private conversation that took place many years ago," the statement read.
"Bill Clinton has said far worse to me on the golf course - not even close. I apologise if anyone was offended."

This guy has the best apologies ever.

He is entertaining though. Gotta give him that.

The elections are over now.

People used to think Jimmy Savile was entertaining too.