Jonesy's putting his point a bit starkly, but he's less wrong than someone who declares blindly "Putin bad, Obama good"—inspection of world affairs reveals the US is responsible for more deaths, more military threats and more military incursions than Russia, either directly or by proxy.
I think you should be able to point that out without being accused of Putin apologism.
I also feel a lot of distaste for the comparison of the "domestic" political atrocities of countries with those of empires—after all, being empires, their reach is transnational and they're capable of relocating and outsourcing the worst of what they do, which as we know, the US does. Pax Americana hasn't grown out of virtuous US democracy alone, only US democracy linked by alliances to a shifting archipelago of tyrannies.
Likewise, I'm not convinced the weighing up of the US and Russia (or China) as notional militarily opposed global superpowers has the same relevance as it did in the post-WWII period. I don't think that war is how it will fall out with world economies so fragile and interlinked. More likely there will be a long process of chipping away at US dominance as China is currently doing off its coast, leading to a differently configured entente.
These questions of nearly false choice between two more or less bad options—whether it be two nasty world powers, or Trump and Clinton—plague politics at the moment because people have no power.
I would absolutely vote Clinton over Trump because I believe the epiphenomena of a Trump Presidency in US society would be a lot worse, but I think the US is going to keep declining either way. A President is just a President, and the fantasy of transformation from these larger than life personal brands doesn't eventuate.