I'm sorry but both you guys (jones and burnsy) seem so, so far off base to me. The way the US is perceived from the outside (negatively) is deserved, but Hillary Clinton is really not any worse than all of your fake-left politicians. We just have more guns.
You also misunderstand the machinations of our government, which runs on handshakes and corruption and cults of personality rather than some grand imperial conspiracy. These people are idiots. Hillary a polished persona? Give me a break. They're all a joke.
Afghanistan is worse off? No shit. Is Jill Stein going to make anything any better? Nope. Still harping on with unimaginative cookie-cutter "progressivism" that calls for great things while offering no way to achieve it. It's all so bland that a fuckwit like Trump is a genuine contender and intelligent people are justifying him, making excuses for him, acting like somehow he wouldn't be any worse than establishment Hillary...
Well you're mighty wrong. Simple as. I think, really, that folks want to see the US collapse domestically. I don't think that would benefit anyone, long or short term. People here will lash out like we've seen time and again, and you'll find electoral support for violence and war won't be hard to come by in a climate of accelerated hatred and fear. The situation now might be bad, terrible even, but it definitely could be worse. Maybe it will be no matter who wins, but to shrug and say 'oh well' isn't particularly productive.