In an ideal world, US presidents should not be over the age of 60 in my view. It's a taxing job and very intense/high pressure-you clearly need a lot of energy for it, especially in this day and age. When Obama got elected back in 2008 he was at the perfect age. Can't believe Trump is 70!

Sicario wrote:

When Obama got elected back in 2008 he was at the perfect age.

He was the 4th or 5th youngest president in his country's history.

"overheated" "medical episode" genius wording. ๐Ÿ˜†

I was shocked when I seen this yesterday. I had completely dismissed talk of her health being dodgy as conspiracy bullshit but that is not something you see too often. I'm not sure if its really enough to impact her ability to perform the day to day duties of the President. W Bush apparently took it pretty easy when he was president, although Hillary seems a lot more hands on.

she'd be fine if it's a simple pneumonia like they said now. unfortunately, it adds to the untrustworthy persona again.

A lot of wild speculation that pneumonia is connected to other illness. Not much evidence to back that up but its certainly very hard to take her and her campaign at their word given they've already lied about this pneumonia. Her integrity is well and truly shot to pieces at this stage.

if you guys are sick, do you go and broadcast it to your employees who are looking to you for leadership at a time of crisis?
i know the guys i work with who are typically high-performance individuals do not admit the are sick until they are nearly dead. that's not a reflection of their integrity. is it?

which in turn makes you untrustworthy and then if you're so sick as to being unable to dispose of the duties or when they're dead , in your simile..they wouldn't be a leader then. She's going to have to take a hit for this either way.

Claudius wrote:

if you guys are sick, do you go and broadcast it to your employees who are looking to you for leadership at a time of crisis?
i know the guys i work with who are typically high-performance individuals do not admit the are sick until they are nearly dead. that's not a reflection of their integrity. is it?

If the boss in question has exhibited signs of illness and staff come and ask "are you sick?" and he says "no of course not" because he feels they need him to appear strong for morale then I think he is being extremely counter productive. Especially if he keeps going until he's so sick he collapses in front of everyone, then admits he was sick all along. This will have a much worse effect on morale than if he'd just admitted he was sick and took a day off.

The analogy is massively flawed anyway as employers don't necessarily owe their workers transparency. People running for office do owe the voting public their honesty.

I don't remember people making this big a deal ouf of John McCain's health when he was running, and he left a 500 page report of his medical history which, among other things, included 11 entries under the category "Tumor & growths" alone, and the admission that he can't raise his arms above his chest due to injuries he sustained in Vietnam.

That's the thing though. McCain released 500 pages of exhaustive records.

Hillary to her credit has put out more medical information than Trump, but not enough  to quell the conspiracy bullshit. 

She should honestly just release all her medical records, Kaine is more liked than her anyway

Does anyone understand the procedural issues if Clinton were hypothetically forced to withdraw her candidacy by poor health prior to the poll?

Who becomes the Democrat nominee? Kaine? DNC decides?

Thanks Arsedoc, that's exactly what I needed.

So it wouldn't be Kaine, it'd be more or less whoever the DNC could hammer into placeโ€”with Biden or Sanders the candidates spoken about.

And if it happens post-election it's primarily dependent on the timing with respect to the declaration of the election result, with the usual VP-takes-over dynamics in place after it is declared.

Skimmed a few comments on that article, this one made me chuckle.

I wonder if the initial explanation for her " overheating" might have been due to her pants being consistently on fire.

What a comedy.