BWoolley wrote:I think the issue may be about cumulative wages - understand the PL has capped annual wage increases (except as may be justified by higher revenue), which we will overshoot massively if we re-sign Ozil and also bring in Auba, Malcom and Mkhi (or comparable players) even after getting shot of Walcott, Coquelin and Alexis. Hence, the club being somewhat reserved in signing all of them at once.
well, here is the math according to the alleged wage bill that is online in various places
lacazette - £100,000
kolasinac - £120,000 (i think this is wrong, it probably includes the sign-on fee he got because he came on a free)
thats £220,000 in.
coquelin - £55,000
walcott - £110,000
szczesny - £60,000
gibbs - £80,000
gabriel - £50,000
oxlade - £65,000
thats £420,000 out.
so we've already cut £200,000 from our wage bill. i think the only players who have extended are youth guys like AMN who are probably on £10,000 a week or less.
this summer, we'll be losing £530,000 combined for alexis, ozil, wilshere, cazorla, and mertesacker. we know cazorla and mert are likely done completely, so that is £160,000 for sure that is coming off the books. alexis is on £140,000 and hes definitely gone. so that is £300,000 in wages off the books. we need to give wilshere more money, and ozil huge money if he stays, which he might or might not. we also need to give ramsey a new contract if we want him to stay, since he only has 1 year left. if debuchy leaves, as expected, thats another £70,000 you can remove.