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  • The Tucker McRoy Den: funny pics, vids and whatnots

I've kinda become numb to it now lol

Captain wrote:

It's never happened to me, share your vast experience...?


Captain wrote:

I've kinda become numb to it now lol

So have I. 😉

Come here and give me a big cuddle you man beast you! Gush

Okay fellas group hug........

I love the Scouser accent. It sounds like someone singing. Great vid

Biggus wrote:

Okay fellas group hug........

ooiiiiiiii, 'ho just grabbed me can?!


Dreh Den Swag Auf, post-Google translate............

Get out of bed
Rev up the swag on
Stop just in the mirror
I said, Whatup?
I'm getting money oh oh

Counting so much money every day
I think it's really cool
My Swagger is totally out of control
I'm really nice
Can you understand it
I am the MVP now
Me and my guys we hang out at the VIP tent

Oh my god I'm so on the block
Your mother comes to me and they blowt the Cock
I work hard but I'm still glaring at parties
Mister Money Boy I'm that Blockhustler
Nic nac Paddywag I am present Sun doped
So go away you stupid Keck
Give me the coke
Baby I'm here
Chill at the BMW dealer
You drive VW, I buy myself the BMW - bum!
I'm the Shit - Bitches
Turn on my Swagger
Gettin 'Money
I'm a rich nigga

My new mixtape is there only as a crack dealer-Edition
So say it all again I'm hotter than Megan Fox present
And this type of easy to stay all his boxing Gengner
My man here is the Twenty One, I'm a gangster one
black card I'll buy the same bar drinks are not only
I pick it up and fly to Mars now
Turn on my Swagger
I spitter hundred thousand bars - YES

Get out of bed
Rev up the swag on
Stop just in the mirror
I say: Wazup
I'm getting oh oh Money

The dude literally copied this song *if you could even call it a sond, don't know why anyone would ever copy something this wack) word for word in dutch or something.

4 days later

Think that's word salad. She must be schizophrenic.

5 days later

The Mourinho one instantly made me think of this one. Just love it! Hope Wenger does that to Xavi at Nou Camp...

5 days later

Me and a mate had a couple of hours of fun with that a while back. Both couldn't stop laughing when it got 'Antoine Dodson' right, and that was only a couple of days after the story came out.

Ricky1985 wrote:

This is quite clever: Akinator the Genie

It worked out Darth Vader and Darth Sideous from Star Wars but then I beat it with He-Man!

Charlie Sheen is amazing. What a winner!

Holy Jeebus. Charlie Sheen is off his trolley! 😆


"I'm bi-winning" hahahaha.

Look at the size and shape of his right nostril compared to the left. Horrid.

I can't work out who I think is more mental, Charlie Sheen or the woman asking the questions.

Charlie Sheen is pure amusement at the moment. But you know you've got problems when Mel Gibson rings to offer his support.

Meanwhile, back on A-M, see if you can spot the error in the syndicated advert for online betting 😃

If I were one of the producers on Two and a Half Men I'd give Charlie the $3 million per episode that he's looking for.
Top nutter.

Burnwinter wrote:

Charlie Sheen is pure amusement at the moment. But you know you've got problems when Mel Gibson rings to offer his support.

It's the Hollywood equivalent of Gazza turning up with a fishing rod and a four-pack for Raoul Moat.

Can you imagine Gibson on the phone:

"Hey Charlie! Just want you to know I've got your back bro. We ain't gonna let those God-damn Jews running Hollywood tell you you're an anti-Semite!"

😆 Kinell, this taiwanese media reconstruction of the Cole incident is one of the most brilliant things I've seen: