Well that's interesting. Never heard the name before today, saw the early vids (not the Basel ones).
though too small to be another coq, and seems to play box to box (and from whatever I saw defensively I can't say I expect a great tackler) - he could slot in instead of no.20 rather easily. Both him and Ramsey - that's some mileage and energy (could have used that yesterday).
Shooting technic looks unique - something Brazilian about it. He'll surely be the meanest long range shooter in the team, and amazingly he looks as ambidextrous as Santi - the power he has on them is amazing, though. Hard to tell much else, as opposition seemed poor in most vids.
Welcome to Arsenal, kiddo! sure hope you're good, and (if so) that you are (heh) here for the long run 🙂 .
When did we have an Egyptian dude play for us? wasn't Rami Sha'aban half Egyptian half Rex or something?