Sweden is arguably one of the most advanced countries in the world when it comes to equality between men and women. Despite that, girls in their teens have nowhere near the same resources available to them regarding training, money, facilities and good, experienced coaches when compared to boys the same age. As they grow older, the differences in resources grow exponentially. Even at top level most women footballers are, at best, semi professionals.
I think it is just silly to compare men and women in sports. Top level women teams play 15-17 year old boys because it is better competition for them than to play lower league women's sides, and that's it. No one in their right mind watches an Olympic women's 100 meter final and goes "yeah, but there are thousands of men who would beat them all". No one watches a tennis game, a basketball game, alpine skiing and another thousand sports with that mindset either. To say 'it's barely a sport' is extremely insulting and derogatory.