Ox to Pool done according to his management company.

I really wish it was 40 + £1

Can't believe it was just 4 years ago where 40m++ gets your Suarez.

Now it only gets you Oxlade.

City's 50m bid for Alexis made to look all the more ridiculous.

fuck off, ox.

we're going to sell alexis too.

wenger should never manage another game for this club. hes well and truly sabotaged his reputation and most of his legacy

Even their supposedly 70m is nowhere close. You want to secure Alexis now, you pay up a premium now. Should be somewhere in the region of 140m.

but we know that wont happen. wenger will say "he had only 1 year left, he wanted to leave and we got the most we could"

god i fucking hate him

Clrnc wrote:

Even their supposedly 70m is nowhere close. You want to secure Alexis now, you pay up a premium now. Should be somewhere in the region of 140m.

Absolutely. We're weak if we give in.

Hope Klopp plays Chamberlain in the center of midfield. His style of play will see Chamberlain do his other cruciate soon.

goon wrote:

I really wish it was 40 + £1

I really hope they've promised him a place at CM. He'll flop so hard there.

Orny saying a replacement is unlikely. Fans being trolled so hard. Ridiculous if the Bournemouth game is sold out/has a full attendance.

40m for Ox is fantastic business but who cares when it just fills the coffers.

I reckon Chambo might be better than Wijnaldum. He'll definitely be worse than Keita, though, so I don't really think this will work out for him as he would hope.

Still maddening we made fucking Wijnaldum looked like peak Gullit toying with our players.

Can't believe Ox rejected Chelsea for Pool though. He's the same on and off the field, can't make correct decisions in the final 3rd.

We'll end up selling Sanchez for £75-80 mill. Doubt we'll be able to bring in any decent replacements.

Still sickens me that he played against the team he wanted to desperately join in a position he doesn't want to play in while in the process causing our RB to play LB. What, did Wenger think he will come around.

Kroenke payment incoming

40m is actually a decent amount. Take 80m for Sanchez too, guy clearly doesn't want to be here.

What enrages me is that he played against L'pool. Wenger is lunatic.