Russians say its Isis that brought down the plane.
Pressure mounts now.

i don't get ISIS, why pick a fight with America, Europe, Russia and Iran?

Maybe they assume there won't ever be a united offensive against them.

"Work to expose the weakness of America’s centralised power by pushing it to abandon the media psychological war and the war by proxy until it fights directly.”
Ditto for France, the UK and other allies.

There is a recruitment framework. The Grey Zone, a 10-page editorial in Isis’s online magazine Dabiq in early 2015, describes the twilight area occupied by most Muslims between good and evil, the caliphate and the infidel, which the “blessed operations of September 11” brought into relief. Quoting Bin Laden it said: “The world today is divided. Bush spoke the truth when he said, ‘Either you are with us or you are with the terrorists’, with the actual ‘terrorist’ being the western crusaders.” Now, it said, “the time had come for another event to … bring division to the world and destroy the grey zone”. The attacks in Paris were the latest instalment of this strategy, targeting Europe, as did the recent attacks in Turkey. There will be more, much more, to come.

It would appear that ISIS want US and Allied troops on the ground.

It does appear to me that not many truly understand ISIS, there seems to be no real consistency of educated opinion.
Dwelling on how they came to be and who's to blame, doesn't really move us close to understanding what they've become

It's moved on from that, the police in Hanover have closed a section of the city's central train station as another object has been discovered."

As someone on Redcafe pointed out, the security did a superb job of reacting: -

  • decisive hint comes in 15 minutes after the gates were opened
  • game called off
  • controlled evacuation of fans
  • evacuation of all ministers that were already there
  • merkel brought back to berlin
  • national teams heading back to the hotel
  • GSG9 troops at the stadium
  • cars being controlled leaving the parking area
  • cars being controlled in the city
  • metro not stopping everywhere
  • restaurants and bars closing in the city
  • police everywhere in the city

#MsportXtra @MsportExtra
From Hannover. Police advise citizens from Hannover to stay indoors. Reports suggest 3 planned attacks, dealt with by police.

#BREAKING No explosives found in Hanover football scare: German regional minister

"Es hat keine Festnahmen zum gegenwärtigen Zeitpunkt gegeben, Sprengstoff ist ebenfalls bis zum aktuellen Zeitpunkt auch nicht gefunden worden."

No explosives found yet, in other words.

It's like we're in one of those shitty Tom Clancy novels.

@[deleted] and Rex:
I used to live in Brussels.
Still not funny.

There are 10,500 radicalised in France according to their Prime minister and Intelligence services.

Out of a total Muslim population of 6m, that's about 0.2%.

I suppose the difference is down to what people mean by 'radicalised' but at any rate it's significantly less than the 20% than was bandied about earlier in this thread.

There's actually quite a high figure given that it is france alone.

I guess that watch list would probably consist of a few hundred actual candidates along with every person fitting a basic demographic profile who attends a mosque where a "radical" imam speaks.

There's also a short list of two thousand or so for which some some have called for immediate internment without charges.

Immediate internment without charges sounds scary to me.

Bombing in Nigeria, evacuations in Hannover and Copenhagen, foiled plot in Paris' CBD.

The religion of peace strikes again.

You know the victims of the Nigeria bombing were Muslims, right?

How does that change his point?