y va marquer wrote:

DiabyKungFu man

The dude who's been trolling with the Spurs stuff recently?


And egging on Capi with the "fail to get excited about the FA cup."

Rightly or wrongly, it's his opinion.
I am also alone in voting for the Kos man, so far.

Bold Tone wrote:

Rightly or wrongly, it's his opinion.

He's clearly on the wind up 😆

The thread started off as a list of top 5 players of the year so I assumed that the poll results were to act as a proxy for the same question. Otherwise, this poll is mind-blowingly pointless and will yield no meaningful info. The player of the season was obviously Ramsey or one of the defensive players (I'd go with Kos due to minutes played compared to Ramsey); I just felt that Ozil was disproportionately underrepresented. No wind-up.

Makes some sort of sense we'll let you off with it this time 🙂

Anyone who has that pic as his avi is ok in my books!

Gave it to Kos, though clearly if Ramsey hadn't been out he would've cleanly deserved it.

There was daylight between Ramsey and anyone else on his best days.

Aight, Ramsey is by a landslide our POTS.

You can vote again to determine the rest.

... perhaps I should have made it 3rd best player.

😆 the boss wins second place so yes 3rd is the one up for grabs

Diaby KungFu wrote:

this poll is mind-blowingly pointless and will yield no meaningful info.

Calm down Fu. Everyone football forum in the world runs a POTY poll at the end of the season. Its not a big deal.

Pepe LeFrits wrote:

... perhaps I should have made it 3rd best player.


It's difficult to blame just the defence for our performance from the off in the big away games but it's the reason why we finished 7 points behind. It's unfortunate because a player who was out 3 months should not be a player of the season. Ignore those performances and either is player of the season for me. Ramsey was sensational though and the battering we took against the big sides puts a dent in the defenders' claims. Ozil influenced our play massively I thought. We didn't score much but without his influence on our attack we would have struggled further. Other than him we were essentially the same side as last season and we fared far better.


Koscielny/ Mertesacker
Sagna/ Arteta

My vote for third goes to the Ox, the impact of his return was massive and really lifted the team.

Third's a bit of a messy call. I'd probably go with Ozil.

Pepe LeFrits wrote:

... perhaps I should have made it 3rd best player.

Given that this is Arsenal, surely fourth is more appropriate 🙂

Rex wrote:


I haven't been around a lot for sometime. Your awareness is still pretty good 🙂