I don't understand the obsession people have with it being a "bargain", or good business. Seems to me as fans we pretty much need know nothing about the money part. who gives a shit? what we need to know is if the player is good for us: is he good in general, and does he fit our needs.
later we can tap on the shoulder of the shrewd army of lawyers/accountants we have. "Gazidis thinks we deserve credit for the buy back clause". Yeah, get that credit from you boss, I'll give you credit for getting player that improve us. For building a better team.
On Carlito, I feel like most of you: yeah, he's obviously improved, and I agree the talent was never in doubt. But that last bit actually makes me less optimistic than most: we failed to explain how come he's not breaking through in that time he was here. And he did get chances. It just seemed like he either doesn't fit in England, or still needs to mature a hell of a lot.
And between the two - I guess both are partly true - I fear the England fit is more crucial than imagined. Can Carlito really shake off that buttery feel about him? it's not impossible - 3 years in this age are significant, no doubt, and the confidence gained through experience and achievement is not to be ignored. But I still doubt he can bring all of that here. La Liga is not the PL.
Would love to be wrong about it.
BTW, don't see why people think he'll be playing on the right. Again, la Liga is not enough of an indication - AW's ideas are independent. And yes, probably a good deal him for Pod (though maybe keep both is a possibility as well).