
However, I hope he hasn't been rushed back for the Dortmund game. This is one player we can't afford suffering another break down.

I don't mind us losing tomorrow if it means having the full complement or at least a stronger group to help salvage what's left of the season.

flobaba wrote:

However, I hope he hasn't been rushed back for the Dortmund game. This is one player we can't afford suffering another break down.

This was the first thought that popped into my head when I heard the news.

At least he appears to have been registered. That's a start.

jack got himself into trouble. you can't charge into a thicket of bodies and expect not to be battered in the premier league. this is one injury he could've avoided with a bit of thinking, but he'd totally lost his head after that miss.

flobaba wrote:


However, I hope he hasn't been rushed back for the Dortmund game. This is one player we can't afford suffering another break down.

I don't mind us losing tomorrow if it means having the full complement or at least a stronger group to help salvage what's left of the season.

Indeed, especially as I think we'll lose anyway.

y va marquer wrote:

That's good.

This isn't 🙁

I don't want to say how bad it is because I'm not a specialist medically," manager Arsene Wenger said.

"The first news is that he will be out for the next few games. To know how long he will need to see a specialist."

Poor Jack.

I would have loved to have been the medico- You leave the opinions to me Mr Wenger- How many ops have you done eh? What are your qualifications?

In fairness, that is exactly what Wenger said; he is more than happy to leave the medical assessment to those who are actually qualified.

Ruptured ankle ligaments for Wilshere, out for 3-4 months according to Wayne Veysey on twitter.

He is generally right about injuries isn't he? Worst possible news if true. One player recovers from a long term injury and another goes out.

Arteta out for a while too, his injury did not look too good according to Wenger.

Shame but physically put captain is done.

You have to question Wenger when it comes to Arteta though; he has had muscle injury after muscle injury, and it should be considered a big gamble to play him Saturday and then Wednesday again.

Yeah, no real surprise to see Arteta not last a game. Couldn't he have been subbed around the 70th?

Rohit wrote:

He is generally right about injuries isn't he? Worst possible news if true. One player recovers from a long term injury and another goes out.

Yep, usually right about team news and injuries 🙁

Jack has had ankle surgery, so will probably be out for around 3 months.


Anyone know if it's THE ankle? the one that kept him out for a year.

Also really tired of this shit. A game where we dont lose someone is rare and that's not normal.

We have just not been able to put out a midfield with the same personnel consistently and it has been one of the biggest reasons why we have been so poor at times.

I do think Jack and Ramsey can play together and do well once they develop some understanding but they aren't able to simply get games together because of injuries to one or the other.

This after being out a full 18 months.

Horrible for the boy. I fear he will never fulfill his promise.