Burnsy is right and has the right perspective on this issue. I really want to write a mean post, but I won't just because whatever point I could have attempted to make was summed up perfectly by Dr. Burnwinter. Its rich, conservative, fascist, exploitative, amoral, and disgusting dictators of massive economic and political power in their respective countries and regions who run things now. I support a real football club, not that.

The rest of "us" support trophies and winning over the Arsenal, and frankly, if you fall into that category, you can fuck right off.

Van Persie, Nasri, Fabregas, and the stupidity that is most athletes, are ungrateful mercenary cunts. They are completely unlikeable, and are therefore unsupportable. Holding Wenger to ransom, who supported RVP through a frankly useless career after which he deserves absolutely nothing in the way of trophies or a large salary, is completely vile. To blame Wenger and Gazidis, who have both acted in general with nothing but good faith and good conscience, is misguided.

There's nothing we can do when a club says "we'll give you double of whatever Arsenal offer." What the fuck can Wenger, Gazidis, or anyone else do? Any of you who are deluded enough to believe that we can compete need to step back, take stock, and support Arsenal for what it actually is. The only other solution is to actually want Usmanov to take over...

Maybe it is for the best, and Biggus is probably right. It's not like we haven't won a trophy these last 7 years in spite of RVP's brilliance, he has contributed as much as anyone to our losing streak. He can fuck off, and so can any other mercenary trophy-supporting meat-headed piece of shit that claims to be an Arsenal fan.

Lol. Why you mad at the fans Coombs? We just wanna see the club successful again.

The only constant factor in our losing streak for the past 7 years has been Arsene Wenger. The players come and the players go.

anyway, If third or fourth place is all you're satisfied with as an Arsenal fan, you can fuck right off as well.

Think that was a bit harsh on the fans Coombs - all of us are the same in one respect, which is that we want to see the club continue with the maximum success, dignity and respect.

We're in a position now where we could, for one or two seasons, "speculate to accumulate" by making an outlay on top players in the hope of knocking down a major trophy. After that, though, the great likelihood is we'd have to stop spending whereas our cashed up competition wouldn't.

It comes down to finding a wealthy benefactor of our own, or hoping that "financial doping" can be stopped by regulators effectively, while doing what we are currently doing: pursuing real revenue.

mags wrote:

Wenger is a cream puff...

Yeah, a sour stale cream puff whose expiry date has way passed.

Coombs wrote:

The rest of "us" support trophies and winning over the Arsenal, and frankly, if you fall into that category, you can fuck right off.

I fall into that category my friend, I'm a glory hunter who followed Arsenal just because we won the double in 1971 and I can tell you that I've no intention of "fucking off" especially for someone who supports a cunt like Kroenke (who probably never saw an Arsenal game till a couple of years ago) over a player who's brought joy to us fans. 🙂

Nobody starts supporting a club who are unsuccessful.

Trust Cooombs not to waste an opportunity to prove (to himself) that he is a better fan than everyone else with another one of his aggressive tirades.

Biggus wrote:

Nobody starts supporting a club who are unsuccessful.


it's a fact , where were the 24 million fans before Wenger came in?

It's not a fact. 😆

It's a ridiculous thing to say.

You can love a football club for many reasons. Football is a sensibility, and supporting a club is an existential statement that creates meaning out of the void.

There are plenty whose support only strengthens in the face of perennial mediocrity, failure and disappointment. They're the ones who get off on advertising their own virtue.

There are others who are only interested if they can project the sadistic thrill of dominance on the pitch into their own pathetic lives.

Most of us have a more literate, or if you will, romantic approach than either of these alternatives 😉

c'mon guys except you are being pedantic over the word "nobody", most people start supporting a club based on success, QPR, Crstal Palace and Fulham are all London clubs why don't they have our fan base?

Most people support the club their dad supported. Most...

I had a longer post which enumerated more of the menagerie of possible reasons, including that one, but I spared you all. 😉

'Most fans' these days don't even live in the same country as the team they 'support'.

Most 'fans' don't even watch games. Still, huge numbers of people support clubs who are 'unsuccessful'.

Lagos wrote:

c'mon guys except you are being pedantic over the word "nobody", most people start supporting a club based on success, QPR, Crstal Palace and Fulham are all London clubs why don't they have our fan base?

And thats exactly where Arsenal would be if we didn't have our success, only local support and appeal.

The difference between us and Palace is that we've had success- But thats fast receding into folk memory and ancient history.

Trying to find it, but apparently Red and White, not wanting to be left out, have also issued a statement.

He may just be a vulture, but what usmanov is saying is the truth and he is holding the greedy board accountable, and is the best option right now, whichever way you put it. The current board has allowed us to lose Dein Henry Fabregas Persie etc etc either they are all cunts or the board have fucked us over.

Uzi is being opportunistic by not allowing a good crisis to go to waste but that's the only hand (and the correct hand) to play right now. Whether we like it or not modern football is about marriages of convenience, right now our interests and Uzi's interests are alligned.