flobaba wrote:
For the old-timers amongst us (no disrespect intended), how did the periods of drought in our past compare with this one, not in terms of length, but more in terms of cause, and the club's ambitions. And how did you manage to stay interested and supportive?
I'm feeling particularly depressed, angry, and out of love with Arsenal today, and this season in general.
I started following Arsenal when my dad came back from the 0-1 fa cup defeat to leeds in '72...I'd watched it on the tv {trying to see my dad} and I was hooked.
During my childhood, we were terrible, it's all I knew, and I had to wait until 1980 to see us win the FA cup...the final the year before was another disappointment. We went 18 years without the title, and I never believed we would ever do it again.
Then, nothing, again, until the glorious '89 season. We started to look like a real club that could build on that and although the GG years had us slipping a bit at the end, it didn't take too much for Wenger to build on.
We all got spoilt, even us older gooners. I knew at the time it was a golden era with Bergkamp, Henry etc and felt blessed that the best football ever seen in England was at my club, the same club I never believed could win the league, let alone getting to a CL final and going the season unbeaten.
But, I'm as gutted as anyone else. We've not built on our success and we've been naive in believing Wenger had all the answers, he clearly took a wrong turn...we're too conservative in just letting our success loop around again {and it will] without competing financially for the best players. We should have built on our consistency and nailed sp*rs into the ground. !0 years ago they were ten years behind us. We let them creep back in, year by year, and, although we've sold our best players in the past, I don't remember ever selling so many so quickly with our real replacement.
So, 8 years {nine years} without a trophy is nothing as far as our history says, but we had a golden chance to be consistent and we've almost blown it for good...there is just a small glimmer that we may actually spend big before we let the Chelskis and manchester teams pull further clear, and let the Sp*rs, liver polls and whoever else catch up. This summer is key for the next decade in my opinion whether we finish in the top 4 or not, we have to look at ourselves as to who we really are and what we want.