More or less. Think it was more that Gazidis/Kroenke persuaded Wenger it was best to take the money and reinvest. It probably was the right idea tbf.
Kroenke/Gazidis/Wenger out!
The more interesting part is where he says "Me or Cesc were supposed to leave."
Could be innocuous, could be quite damning, don't have enough context to really tell.
Well that was Wenger's stance at the time, wasn't it?
"Imagine the worst situation - we lose Fabregas and Nasri - you cannot convince people you are ambitious after that"
"And even if you lose Nasri, to find the same quality player, you have to spend again the same amount of money. Because you cannot say, you lose the player and you do not replace him."
"I believe for us it is important the message we give out. For example, you talk about Fabregas leaving, Nasri leaving."
"If you give that message out, you cannot pretend you are a big club, because a big club first of all holds onto its big players and gives a message out to all the other big clubs that they just cannot come in and take away from you."
I'm sure Wenger wanted to keep Nasri, even after we lost Fabregas. But, in hindsight, I'm glad we got rid.
Nasri's valuation under the then current circumstances was met and so he was sold. Media are trying to make a big hoo-ha over what Samir said about Kroenke selling him for the money, but what else would he have sold him for. Of course it was for the money. Nothing shocking about what he said.
Nasri wrote:Cesc or me were supposed to leave. AW told me that if Cesc would leave, I would stay. But Kroenke wanted the money
The above quote (if true) doesn't really mean much. Nasri wouldn't have been privy to the decision, so he wouldn't know if Wenger later changed his mind.
The money on offer for him was very good, and he refused a pretty generous (leaked/reported on the order of £100k/w) wage offer.
Interesting that Nasri believes (or wants others to believe) that Kroenke intervened. Maybe Stan does meddle from time to time.
Doesn't matter, they're different heads of the same monster. I don't think every thing that's wrong is down to any one of them but collectively they feed off each other and have gotten us in this mess.
A case of determining who's Hitler, who's Speer and who's Eichmann really ... /thread
Miguel Delaney @MiguelDelaney
The last time Arsenal played a non-PL game past the 6 April was 2009. Since then, all other comps ended in March.
God grief- Wenger is a shit manager.
you can't be serious.
would also be good to see in that past four years when our league charge was mathematically over.
our season ticket holders should get a discount for April and May.
General Mirth wrote:I'm sure Wenger wanted to keep Nasri, even after we lost Fabregas. But, in hindsight, I'm glad we got rid.
Hindsight is a wonderful thing as they say, yet Nasri cod have pressed on to be a very good player at Arsenal.
What gets me is that Wenger always comes out and says that he does not want to lose a player.
This tells me that the final decision is not down to him and that the decisions come from above.
Many here state that Wenger is heavily involved in transfer dealings, and to an extent I'm sure he is.
But I do think that he has been over ruled by higher powers at times when he didn't agree and that has cost us at times.
I have no problem at all with the club selling players who wont sign a new contract as long as the players are sold for the right amount. The problem is that the money isn't re-invested in the squad and for that I blame Wenger.
Henry 14th wrote:General Mirth wrote:I'm sure Wenger wanted to keep Nasri, even after we lost Fabregas. But, in hindsight, I'm glad we got rid.
Hindsight is a wonderful thing as they say, yet Nasri cod have pressed on to be a very good player at Arsenal.
What gets me is that Wenger always comes out and says that he does not want to lose a player.
This tells me that the final decision is not down to him and that the decisions come from above.
Many here state that Wenger is heavily involved in transfer dealings, and to an extent I'm sure he is.
But I do think that he has been over ruled by higher powers at times when he didn't agree and that has cost us at times.
Thats all just a cop out Wenger has always been a boardroom man first, more concerned about the finances and the business side than on the pitch performances, he's just an economist that likes to dabble in football.
It's no surprise that he's more worried about financial success than on field success otherwise he would be there fighting tooth and nail for every pound to improve the team.
Fact is he hates the transfer system and considers it cheating, he would have loved the pre Bosman world or even before freedom of contract when players were virtually slaves
Biggy with the truth bomb.......Boooom.
Forget about qualifying for the CL we'll never win it anyway- We've made the Champions league of the Forbes richest clubs
If watching the silky skills of the Giroud & Gervinho doesn't give you a warm inner glow of satisfaction winning this "prize" will!
"Most valuable", even using their bullshit calculations, does not and never will equate to "richest".
Is that just assets minus liabilities then? Cos Utd have about 1 billion debt don't they?
Forbes’ team values are enterprise values (equity plus debt) that are based on multiples of revenue that teams get from television, premium seating, media, licensing, merchandise and concessions.