Burnwinter wrote:
So, I've been getting into Herzog this year. I've seen Cobra Verde, Fitzcarraldo, and Nosferatu. All excellent, particularly the latter two. Kinski is wonderfully bonkers, and these are unique films in many ways. Fantastic use of landscape and extras, and great, weird lead performances.
So, anyone else a fan? What's his best film in your eyes?
Fitzcarraldo is mentioned in one of my favourite Simpsons joke. The school bus breaks down at the foot of a hill, forcing the children to drag it all the way to the top with ropes. Martin, who's sweating severely, proclaims: "I feel like I'm in Fitzcarraldo!" to which Nelson angrily responds: "That movie was flawed!" and punches him in the stomach. The joke being, of course, that the real Fitzcarraldo dismantled the boat to carry it through the jungle whereas they move it in one piece in Herzog's film. It's such an obscure reference, and so out of character for someone like Nelson to point it out, let alone getting upset over the historical inaccuracy.
It's an excellent film though. Surprised you hadn't seen it already. It feels like something that's right up your alley. Rescue Dawn, Grizzly Man and The Wrath of God are great too. If you can find it, look up the documentary The White Diamond as well. The imagery in that one is simply stunning.
Speaking of Herzog, has anyone seen Cave of Forgotten Dreams yet? Some critics claim that it's the best thing he's ever made. It looks like it'll be the first film I'll pay to see in 3D.