the trailer for the new wolverine movie caught me totally off guard. it looks potentially great, and appears to be channeling the last of us in terms of logan's character arc

It does look very interesting. I didn't like the other Wolverine movies very much, but I'll definitely check Logan out.

Also, I don't know that the fuck this is, but it's cool anyway.

Donald Glover cast as young Lando in the Han Solo movie. Not a film I'm looking particularly forward to, but that's pretty awesome.

salute to gambino. ive been a fan of him since i randomly saw some derrick comedy skits in the early days of youtube. ive followed a lot of his tv and music projects since then.

that said, this casting seems off. he's played nerd-hipster-weirdo characters for so long, its hard to see him as anything else, especially a character as suave as lando. fingers crossed he does well

I really wanted him as Spider-Man, but this will have to do. Already seen young Lando being called Childish Landino.

It's good casting I reckon, Donald Glover should be able to do suave as well as Billy Dee Williams, plus young Lando should be a bit rawer. I'm down with it.

I like it too. Reckon Glover is capable of a bit more than we've seen too. Wouldn't be surprised to see some pretty serious indie roles from him soon. Seems smart enough to pick the right stuff if he transitions to drama.

Anyway last night I watched Don't Breathe. It's really dumb.

The "Old Man" storyline is great for the last Wolverine movie (at least in regards to Hugh Jackman involvement).

I've got high hopes for Wolverine too. I liked the previous one a lot.

Deadpool director Miller has left and won't be directing the sequel.

"According to The Wrap, Miller wanted a more "stylized" sequel, while Reynolds wanted to stay true to the first film's "raunchy comedy style." Furthermore, Miller reportedly wanted to cast Bloodline and Friday Night Lights star Kyle Chandler as Cable in the sequel, which Reynolds didn't agree with. In the end, 20th Century Fox sided with Reynolds, prompting Miller to exit the project."

I have no idea who this Cable character is, but I doubt I'd be against Kyle Chandler playing anyone.

Meanwhile Doctor Strange has gotten pretty good reviews so far. It's disappoints me that it seems the villain is once again forgettable, even though the director commented on this issue. If you can't make a good villain out of Mads Mikkelsen, you should just forget about it. The visuals are being praised a lot.

Think I agree with Reynolds about keeping it a raunchy comedy. Don't really need a more stylized Deadpool.

Klaus wrote:

I've got high hopes for Wolverine too. I liked the previous one a lot.

It was kinda ok. A million times better than the first.

This new one though, it looks great.

I think it looks like it might be terrible.

Agreed, the trailer's jam-packed with clichés, dad fascism and Johnny Cash, next to jarring superheroisms … it might work or it might be an absolute boring clusterfuck.

I'd actually take a "boring" Wolverine over the standard we have to appeal to an older and younger audience at the same time approach. Too often with X-Men, and other Marvel/Comic movies, they produce a splintered film that does neither very well.

The Accountant, cool thriller. ben affleck movies are good entertainment value for money

Finding Dory. Funny, excellent visuals and it's got a lot of heart, like expected from Pixar. A bit similar in the beginning, but some of the new characters are great.

Out of time. Not very clever, and some glaring plot holes. I had fun watching it though, as I do with most Denzel movies.

Loved Finding Dory. Probably the only cartoon where I was thoroughly excited about a sequel.

Dr Strange had awesome seriously mindblowing effects and is nicely paced. That's about it. Enjoyable popcorn movie except I don't like popcorn. And the trademark Marvel humour is starting to really grate. Why does every hero need to be a wiseguy?

Popcorn is boring, I always go for bacon snacks. I'll be seeing Doctor Strange next week, the effects are what intrigues me the most.