Any of you lot PC gamers? I dabble occasionally these days but I'm pretty bored of my mostly out-dated collection and wouldn't mind being pointed in the direction of something fresh! I'm downloading the Cities XL demo at the moment to see if Cities XL 2011 is worth buying (and whether it'll run OK on my PC). I generally like strategy games but I'm not interested in anything from the Football Manager, Civilization or Supreme Commander series - played all the various incarnations to death and the latest ones don't seem to offer anything different.

I'm thinking about getting F1 2010 but I'm not generally that fussed about racing games either. First person shooters tend to be more my thing. Played Left 4 Dead 1 & 2 to death, so much so that I've moved (back) on to the aging HL2 mod Insurgency (a bit like Modern Warfare I think, only more annoying) and the positively archaic mod DMC (Quakeworld ported over to the HL engine ported over to the HL2 engine... heh! Some people still actually play it, and most of them are rubbish!). Something with a fast online experience that won't turn my PC into a quivering mess (GeForce 8600GT, Dual Core2 Duo 2.66Ghz, 4Gb RAM) would do the trick nicely...

If you like F1, you will love the F1 2010. I'm not huge on Formula 1, but the game is immense. On the xbox, anyway.

Last PC game i bought was the latest Starcraft, but i barely play it. I'm all about the games consoles. Will certainly be getting FM2011.

Currently still playing Dota, can't get sick of it. F1 2010 is a great game, especially if you are into formula 1. Waiting for next patch to come out for all the bugs to be fixed.

Other than that, have L4D, rfactors and FM installed too. More interested in FM than the others. Would be concentrating on getting my blue ps3 and the special GT5 package.

Can we generalise this to computer games in general?

As a few of you may know, I have only recently acquired a PS2 and was wondering accordingly what should be the next football sim I should purchase (when I eventually get some cash in my account)? I've always preferred PES but I've read enough (and played enough of the later titles) to know that it's gone downhill and that Fifa is now the premier footy sim. Whilst up-to-date squads is an important variable to consider, I'm more concerned with playability. Therefore I'm thinking about getting either PES 6 (the last great PES, which I've played extensively), PES 2011 (which I hear is actually alright compared to PES 2010) or the latest Fifa. Another factor I'd consider, is that I'm much more familiar with the game engine on PES, so in other words unless Fifa gets overwhelming support, I'd prefer to avoid it.

What would you guys suggest?

Sorry Don, but in terms of recent releases for PS2, i would have no idea. Since the next gen consoles, Fifa has always been the better game. However, it was the complete reverse for PS2. I reckon PES will still be the better game, but i couldn't be sure.

Fair do. Not as if I can afford anything at the moment anyway, so I'm not in any hurry to make a decision. 😛

PES 2010 got a 7/10 on ign who I think were the only ones to review the ps2 version.

Yeah, I read that. Just checking again now and I've noticed that PES 2008 got 8.4. But PES 6 got 9.

Xbox 360/PS3 version of PES 2011 got 9/10. Would there really be that much difference between them and the PS2 version (and yes, I realise how out of touch I am)?

Doubt it; maybe a slightly slimmed down option list and reduced gameplay modes.

James wrote:

If you like F1, you will love the F1 2010. I'm not huge on Formula 1, but the game is immense. On the xbox, anyway.

Mate of mine is big into the F1 games but he held off buying it cos it was slated in the press, is it actually decent?

I'm completely sucked into Fallout: New Vegas at the moment. Loads of bugs but its still an amazing game.

Don, i'm pretty sure pes6 was the best one iirc. Fifa on the ps2 is stupid, don't even bother.

if you want general game names play: god of war (1 and 2) and the prince of persia games are neat. what kind of games are you looking for?

i'm playing fifa 11, nhl 11 and assassins creed 2 (ya i know i'm late to the party). they're all amazing games. i'm going to be getting into fallout nv next and probably fable 3.

@ Capi

That's what I would have thought.

@ Naz

Yeah, I'm aware of all those titles. I'm into most things really, except RPGs. Trying to play Soul Reaver at the moment and there are bits of it that are good but it's all a bit too 'Dungeons and Dragons' for me.

qs! wrote:
James wrote:

If you like F1, you will love the F1 2010. I'm not huge on Formula 1, but the game is immense. On the xbox, anyway.

Mate of mine is big into the F1 games but he held off buying it cos it was slated in the press, is it actually decent?

Well, i like it, and everyone i know who has it has said the same.

I'm just waiting for Black Ops, should be mega.

Indeed. COD and Fifa are the only games you need.

James wrote:
qs! wrote:
James wrote:

If you like F1, you will love the F1 2010. I'm not huge on Formula 1, but the game is immense. On the xbox, anyway.

Mate of mine is big into the F1 games but he held off buying it cos it was slated in the press, is it actually decent?

Well, i like it, and everyone i know who has it has said the same.

Too many bugs though, and the game play makes it more of a simulator than and actual game. There's still alot for Codemaster to improve, but first I hope they get the patch out asap to fix the pitstop problem

What's the pitstop problem? To be honest, i've only done about 6 or 7 races with about 20 laps, so only need to do the one stop per race. Does it exist with the 360 version?

Been playing a lot of New Vegas lately. I loved The Hive too:

It's free, so eveyone should download it. It's this retro-styled action platformer with lots of zombies and stuff. Reminds me a little bit about Blackthorne, if any of you happened to play that one. One of the best indie games I've seen this year. The final boss is genius.

James wrote:

What's the pitstop problem? To be honest, i've only done about 6 or 7 races with about 20 laps, so only need to do the one stop per race. Does it exist with the 360 version?

Yep it does. If you pit at the same time as the AIs, you will not be allowed to go until they go first. Its due to their over conservative pit coding. Codemaster have already said its looking into the problem and will release a patch soon.

Don Pacifico wrote:

Fair do. Not as if I can afford anything at the moment anyway, so I'm not in any hurry to make a decision. 😛

Don, get swap magic and you can download all the games you want online and just burn them onto a cd. My ps2 was chipped (when it worked) but my mates all bought theirs from the UK and with that the never had to buy an actual copy. Was only about £15 back then as well, so probably cheaper now and you'd be able to try all those games out for free (minus the blank dvd costs).