Any gym goers or fitness fanatics here? Whats your chosen area - weights, running, or a particular sport? How seriously do you take it?

I'm hoping to qualify as a personal trainer soon so i have an interest in almost every aspect of training. Sport is my main thing but also like to do a bit of weights in the gym. Used to be more into bodyweight training but found it hard to stay motivated training at home so had to change and its nice to have the pool, sauna etc too.

Recently started doing a bit of flexibility and more core work too.

Yeah, I've always been in to my fitness. Mainly a runner, although I have a power cage at home and do a basic weights programme-bench, chins, dips, deadlift, squat.

I have in the past done some serious running (I was once a sub 34min 10k runner) but generally just do 25-30 miles a week nowadays. Since I left the forces I've not really had the motivation to get back to that sort of level. Done 2 marathons in recent years, but both were agony for me and I didn't quite get the times I wanted.

Damn i'm jealous, not just of that 10k time but also the power cage. All i have is some weights and an Argos bench that seems out of my DIY capabilities.

Weights, 4-5 times a week at the gym. Not training for any sport but I do treat it quite seriously although I do play squash and five a side if I get a little extra time.

When I was running seriously I was very imbalanced physically. I was running every day-sometimes 14, 15 days on before a rest day-so I never wanted to do any leg specific work and have DOMS stopping my running, although I was still doing upper body weights. I got to the point where I had a pretty weak core and really weak glutes and hip flexors, eventually I had to have an operation on my groin and then shortly after I was diagnosed with a double inguinal hernia which needed operating on too. That was about 4 years ago now and I've never really got back the motivation to train that hard since.

I have little bursts where I train hard and feel 'on it', but then I just can't be arsed. Still at the back of my mind I do think I'll find something else that challenges me to get back in to really good shape again. Just not sure what at this stage.

I love running. I did a 10k earlier this year, although my time was nowhere near that sub 34 time you mentioned Tim (very impressive, btw). Was a bit of a struggle, mainly because I got a bit of a tight hamstring about 3 weeks before the run and so never got that distance into my legs. Since doing that 10k, I've run that distance, or more, several times. I'm just starting back on that road having hurt my knee a few weeks back.

I do go to the gym, although I find it a bit fucking tedious. I'd rather just run all the time, but as Mo Farah has said (and you've reiterated above) you have to put in the gym work otherwise you don't build up any core strength.

Running is boring. The only thing that interests me now is spotting a fellow runner in the distance, catching and passing them.

I like having a burst up my sleeve when playing footy so I usually add several sprints between four lamposts on my 40 min runs

Also, it's horrible knowing youre past your physical best. I'm now nearly twentytwelve years old n it baines

Running machine in front of computer hooked up to a decent size tv for me. Do it because I really don't like running. 🙂
Works for me! Also try to get a little bit of upper body strenght done a couple of times a week. Been keeping my routine up decently since mid June. Losing weight and feeling a lot better.

I am so old my back hurts if I don't excersise regularly. It will happen to you kids as well one day. 🙂

Will be big four to da muthaeffin zero next May.
All cool really, once you accept you are not 25 any more. 🙂

Stopped playing organized football when I was a few years older than you Dules. Last couple of years there it was quite noticeable that I was slower than before. Very frustrating in the end to have a clear picture in your head what you wanted to do, but your body failed to execute. It also took longer after games to recover, and it took longer time to get back to fitness after muscular injuries.

Has taken my all this time really to find a way to exercise regularly in a way that I enjoy. My running machine and cycling are my main means now, but I also play floorball, basketball and football from time to time. I am thinking of entering a few 10k races come spring. Think the motivation that you exercise for a reason will help me.

I'm the opposite to Rex, i avoid cardio machine completely except for warm-up and cool down before a weights session. Would much prefer go running outside than use a machine indoors. I try and run on grass where possible.

Have never been in a race but would like to do a 10k sometime or maybe a marathon.

As a PT you are no doubt aware that for most people cardio and a bit of core strenghtening are/should be top priorities. 🙂

I enjoy doing 'best effort' 5k and 10k training runs on a machine. That way you can just set the speed you want to run at and you dont have to think any more about it. And you get to watch the distance tick down, which is always motivating. But all intervals, tempo runs and longer distance stuff I do outdoors.

I used to love it when a muscle poser used to stray from the weights onto the running machine at the gym I used to go to. I'd hop on the machine next to him n sprint for about ten minutes

I bet all the girls go for your sexy Mo Farah legs...

I'm dules not capi - plus i didnt go to the gym to get more poon

Speaking of Capi - where is the man at? Miss him. 🙁

Just off the running machine. 10k at low pace. Paced myself to get a full episode of Six Feet Under in. 🙂

you guys are insane!

10k in 50 minutes hardly qualifies as 'insane'.