I contacted the BBC about 6 months ago correcting a few of the common errors that they have continued to work into their 'calculations' and the response was.............zilch.
I have spent ages reading up on the FFPR and am on a one man mission to make it clear that the FFPR are NOT a concern to City other than in the last 2 and next 2 'accounting periods' IF income were not to increase, in CIty's case significantly.
Being dead broke prior to HH Sheikh Mansour's timely purchase of City is now working in the clubs favour big time.
Each year we can show income growth and explain why investments have had to be made.
If UEFA were to ban City on the basis of the improvement and investments made since a new owner came on board then nobody would ever invest in football again as there would be no point.
On the point of hotels etc then I do wish people would accept (as it is written in the exceptions to revenue etc etc in the FFPR) that ANY product of service that trades on teh clubs name - IRRESPECTIVE OF LOCATION - the revenues gemerated from that can be included for FFPR purposes.
On the point of the Hotels etc near the stadium - there is no specific distance in metres or kilometers stated in FFPR but it has to be 'adjacent' to the stadium - where does the stadium boundary end?
Is the stadium inclusive of car parks? It hasnt nade that clear.
Is the stadium inclusive of training facilities?It isn't clear, yet.
The rule of thumb though on 'adjacent' to the stadium will turn out to be any unbroken physical link to the stadium. (I know that because I have spoken to UEFA about it)
Now have a think about what City are planning ( See the Las Vegas thread for all you need to know on that) and you will see the impact of FFPR in action, City will have an 'unbroken physical link' connecting about 300 acres of land 'adjacent' to the stadium with room for further additional expansion afterwards.
On revenues derived from services and products trading on the clubs name I would point to the newly opened Abu Dhabi City store as the clearest example of how easy it is to make money abroad.
City hotel anyone, City car hire?
And finally if anyone on here wants to rid COMS of 'the cheese' think on this - for a 'brand' to be saleable and be allowed under FFPR it has to have a recognisable link to the club.
That is why they are pushing Bluemoon so much as they can, in furture, use that as a secondary brand.
BlueMoon Hotel by mcfc