Has anyone listened to the Guardian's Football Weekly Extra yet? I've just started and it's brilliant. James Richardson has, among others, the guy behind ZonalMarking.net.
JR: Your post the other day, about how if you properly plan out your weekend there is a 20 minute window of no football on TV that you can get all your eating and washing done.
Zonal Marking guy: Yeah, on Sunday, between 11 o'clock in the morning and 10 o'clock at night you could watch football continuously but I -
JR: Did you...
ZM guy: Not quite, and I managed to miss all the interesting events, like the PSV Feyenoord game. I watched until it was 2 nil and Feyenoord got a man sent off, and then I missed 8 further goals.
Barry Glendenning: Myself and James were wondering this morning if [ZM guy] sees everything like, you know the battle final scene in the Matrix, and Neo, just everything becomes sort of streaming, green digital numbers twirling around a black background. We thought [ZM guy] might see that, like except chalkboards instead of numbers.