That may well be, but doesn't it paint us in a bad light with selling clubs and agents, who are now more likely to believe that any interest from Arsenal is unlikely to be real, especially for a top player. Agents already seem to have this mindset, especially in light of the comments from Martial's agent that "some managers only look at players, others buy them" and so on and this is only likely to make it worse and make it even more difficult for us to sign players, right?

I wouldn't worry about football agents, they have no scruples anyway.Just show them the money and all is good again.

You only get on their wrong side if you try to cut them out of the deal...

dreamlord wrote:
jones wrote:

I opened the thread not paying attention to the date and genuinely didn't realise the quotes in the opening post weren't recent until Biggus mentioned lagos

Same here, except I realized when I saw a post by Volante (he was DaGunners, if I remember correctly?).


BWoolley wrote:

That may well be, but doesn't it paint us in a bad light with selling clubs and agents, who are now more likely to believe that any interest from Arsenal is unlikely to be real, especially for a top player. Agents already seem to have this mindset, especially in light of the comments from Martial's agent that "some managers only look at players, others buy them" and so on and this is only likely to make it worse and make it even more difficult for us to sign players, right?

Clubs know our interest is real when Wenger or dick law calls. If they don't have there number already they'll double check it to make sure it's really them and call them back in 5 minutes.

After all these years, I have come to realise Gazidis is absolutely nonsense and he doesn't even believe what he is talking about.

i have no time for him. he's horrible at his job and his spin game isn't even that good.

He lacks courage. His whole administration has been characterised by a negative approach where we are doing just enough. Someone ambitious would have forced a striker situation in the last few years, with actions such as committing the necessary funds to Suarez/Higuain or telling van Persie he was going nowhere. He's ridiculous. Egghead must go.

We barely ever brought in like for like replacements during our transition periods. We were however good at bringing in younger talents who flourished after some experience. I don't understand how Wenger has completed ignored even this facet for the center forward position. Van Persie left us in 2012 and in 4 years the only real young center forward at the periphery of the team is Chuba Akpom who if he amounts to anything for us will be a great surprise.

Rohit wrote:

Van Persie left us in 2012 and in 4 years the only real young center forward at the periphery of the team is Chuba Akpom who if he amounts to anything for us will be a great surprise.

Poor Sanogo. Not gone but already forgotten.

Can't blame Gazidis for the crap he comes out with. He has no choice but to tow the line and are people really expecting him to go against the grain? Most CEOs in his situation would struggle to be effective against a manager of Wenger's stature. It's also a very rewarding situation to be in.

Are we discounting the possibility that he believes what he's saying or are we running with the idea that he secretly agrees that Wenger should be fired?

The Mirror reporting Gazidis' comments in a less restrained fashion than the BBC

y va marquer wrote:

Are we discounting the possibility that he believes what he's saying or are we running with the idea that he secretly agrees that Wenger should be fired?

Are those the only two possibilities? I think he knows he's talking shit and that he wants Wenger to stay as long as possible. He contradicts himself a few times per season at least, depending on the circumstances the communiqués either read "we're potent and can buy anyone we want" or "poor us, we can't afford to compete"; little chance of either of your two options being the case with him in my opinion

Well your post read "we", I thought that somehow implied your opinion

the deck is really stacked against gazidis when he's trying to sign up commercial partners for our little club.

jones wrote:

He contradicts himself a few times per season at least, depending on the circumstances the communiqués either read "we're potent and can buy anyone we want" or "poor us, we can't afford to compete"; little chance of either of your two options being the case with him in my opinion

Remember his big words in 2012 when we are moving ahead with new commercial deals? "I don't see why we can't compete with the likes of Bayern by 2016". Today he completely contradict every single point he made back then.

Honestly, nobody is asking us to match them like for like, it's not possible with the shit commercial deals we are getting. But at least spend your available resources. We don't even buy smart, we hardly take a gamble on promising talents as much as other top clubs.

Don't see anything wrong with what he said, to be totally honest.