Think this is worth a thread. Anybody went? Some very interesting points up for debate as I quote from the live tweets updates.

Ivan "We can expect a high turnover of the squad" #Arsenal (will we have to subsidise cost of wages in lower transfer value ?)

Ivan "Its important that we spend right given CFC and MCFC spending capability. Means sustainability" #AFC #Arsenal

Gazdis basically defending the season ticket rise as things like utility bills have gone up.

Gazidis "New revenue streams are a priority for #Arsenal"

Gazidis "#Arsenal overall aim is not profit its pride" (Success??)

Gazidis "The reason that Danny sold to Kronke is because he trusted him with #Arsenal "

Gazidis "Arsenal investing in commercial side, includes asia tour" (Costing club money ???)

Gazidis "Arsene looking at new signings now" #Arsenal

Gazidis #Arsenal "Stan Kronke will remain in the background"

Gazidis "contracts all about assessing value of player. Our spending is efficient and overall we get value" #Arsenal

"No plans to invite David Dein back" Dein's name given round of applause

Question re players not bothering to thank away fans ...answer essentially club reminds players of need to thank those that follow the club

Gazidis "Price hike in silver memberships was because they essentially were too cheap"

Gazidis admits attendance given at Emirates is tickets sold, not seats used at a particular game

Gazidis 'experience to close down games as being missing ingredient last season"

Gazidis says "Arsene is accountable to the fans" Laughter ensues

Very interesting, especially us trying to build into different markets now for commercial revenue. 5 years too late already imo.

😆 Disappointed Lagos?

Gazidis "#Arsenal overall aim is not profit its pride" (Success??)


Gazidis "New revenue streams are a priority for #Arsenal"

There seems to be an internal power struggle at the club.
Or maybe it's just platitudes for the proles.

Those two quotes are entirely self-consistent. Self-reinforcing even.

Pride costs.

Our problems aren't with our revenue streams they're with our cost centres.

Which cost centers are these, Burns?

denilson is a cost center we can do without 🙂

we can def do better on commercial revenue.

Yeah, sorry I should say "Our problems are not with making new revenue streams a priority". We could definitely do with more revenue ...

Lack of commerical revenue lies at the heart of our problems to reach a new level on the pitch.

If you look at our main competitors in CL and PL, United generated 75m euros more than us last year, Real Madrid 165m , Barcelona 124m, that is money they can invest in wages and transferfees and it's bound to make it very hard for us to keep up in the end (Chelsea and City are bankrolled by sugardaddies so their revenues are irrelevant of course).

There's an increasing weight behind the argument we should be betting in the transfer market against the predicted commercial revenue from new sponsorship arrangements in a few years should we retain our present status and profile, rather than allowing them to erode significantly pending those deals becoming concrete.

MangoDjourou wrote:

Lack of commerical revenue lies at the heart of our problems to reach a new level on the pitch.

If you look at our main competitors in CL and PL, United generated 75m euros more than us last year, Real Madrid 165m , Barcelona 124m, that is money they can invest in wages and transferfees and it's bound to make it very hard for us to keep up in the end (Chelsea and City are bankrolled by sugardaddies so their revenues are irrelevant of course).

It certainly doesn't help, but its a symbiotic relationship with success on the pitch, one feeds the other.
But it's a moot point as Wenger won't spend anyway.

interesting watch thems wos.

gazadis comes across as a very respectible man - I'm sure he's in tune with fans views, though the battle he faces is persuading his chums to do the necessary

i also suspect he was partly trying to voice that the football team manager has more power than the general manager, so even if he did feel Wenger was rubbish, he wouldn't have the power to send him on his way. Just a hunch. Perhaps a wild one, but sensible given that Wenger is an institution in north London

😆 Yeah but with apologies to Groucho- Who wants to live in a institution?

2 years later

Some new quotes from Ivan:

"The people you have for this club is the same passion shared by the people who work for this club"

"This time last year we came together I gave you an apology, since that apology things have turned around"

"yes we have had division, but we are coming together and you can feel the amount of unity in the football club,reflected by the team"

"We have NO egos, and NO divas in the team,a nice mix of experience and youth and nice mix of personalities"

"this is a team that deserves your pride and your belief and I think they are winning that for all"

"still early and we haven't achieved anything yet,but delighted to meet under a much better spirit"

@lorddulaarsenal wrote:

interesting watch thems wos.

gazadis comes across as a very respectible man - I'm sure he's in tune with fans views, though the battle he faces is persuading his chums to do the necessary

@lorddulaarsenal wrote:



3 years later

Gazidis said: "The big clubs can't financially bully the smaller clubs in the way they used to, so I think a lot of the differentiators between clubs become more subtle now.

"It's how well you can identify talent. It's how well you can develop talent. It's how strong your club philosophy is. It's how together you are as a football club, what your support services are like in the medical field, fitness, analytics, psychology. All of these things become differentiators."

"Leicester identified players from the French second division, so maybe there's talent that we've been overlooking. They did their talent identification [well], they had great unity within the group, as well as quality.

"It wasn't built on money. It was built on the great fitness work they did. It was built on all of these other elements. I think that's going to be a continuing trend within the Premier League.

"This approach, for us, gives us a very, very powerful balance because it's not just about spending money but about how you spend your money and doing it wisely," said Gazidis. "It's about having a strong core philosophy and values within the club that players buy into and our fans can be proud of.

He added: "We're making progress in what is a fiercely competitive world, against competitors that have the capability to spend far more money than we do. We're doing it by being very, very disciplined; spending money where we believe it makes a difference, but also giving young players a chance and believing in ourselves and our values."