For anyone that reads this, I am working through an OMITT SSL issue with @Pepe LeFrits. He's off in Central America without his laptop, the lucky devil.

In theory the SSL certificate for OMITT might expire at some stage in the next day or so, which might either lead to SSL errors accessing the site, or to an outage until a valid renewed certificate is installed.

That is a routine fix but nothing you can do on your phone easily, so at the minute I'm waiting on Pepe to give me access to the service we use to get our free SSL certs.

If you do get SSL cert errors on OMITT in the next day or two, you can be more confident than usual it's because the site administration got screwed up and not because anyone's trying to MITM your browsing. Happy days 👍

Is there enough money for a cert or should we do a whip around again? Assume if the certs up hosting is too?

    Unable to access the site via computer at work.

    Qwiss It should be free via the Tilly's domain registrar for a DV certificate. I can't currently access the relevant account because of the MFA setup Mike has. I'm waiting on him to turn that off, but he's only checking his mail intermittently.

    Full disclosure I did have a bit of extra time to sort it, but left it till the last couple of days because I was on holiday myself.

    @Lukazan Ta for the update, it's plausible this could cause that.

    Pepe LeFrits Called my central america holiday short; back in Ireland at the mo and I think I've fixed it, until next January anyway. 🤞

    Called your holiday short for the sakes of us at OMITT. What a guy.

    But yeah, haven't noticed any issues at my end in any case, so whatever @Burnwinter and @Pepe LeFrits have been working.

    Pepe LeFrits Called my central america holiday short

    That's the level of commitment this man has to ensuring we can all verifiably encrypt our forum traffic.

    Haven't noticed any issues myself

    Qwiss Happy to chip in if needed

    Thanks for keeping this running

    Likewise. Thanks for the dedication.

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