RowJimmy don't care. Just work on the player and give them whatever.

Panda Don't understand why nothing is happening around that guy. He's the perfect profile for us and has a non-outlandish release clause. Thought he was very impressive when we played Sporting even though we crushed them.

    Qwiss just gotta pay him. We have so much headroom.

    Mirth 👀 Sell him to Saudi in 2026 👀

    Mirth his contract is till 2027

    What? Fuuuucking hell.

    HomeSteak We bid for him last week, there was no news, today when the Saudis were pushing for Boniface and not Duran this comes I do hope it's Villa trying to put some pressure on them. They will sell Duran and keep Watkins and save us.

    If the Saudis were no longer pushing for Duran, how would Villa leaking Arsenal interest in Watkins relate to that?

    Watkin doesn’t make my balls tingle.

    Would do well here no doubt but he’s not someone I’d be confident could make the difference in the biggest matches.

    Also feels a few years too late. Perhaps a bit desperate with thinking not being overly rational

      Thank god. That should be that then assuming this is accurate.

      Guess he'll now become the superstar everyone thought he would...🙄

      We are approaching the Dominic Calvin Lewin or bust hours

      • Edited

      Emery sounds like he's urging Arsenal to bid higher for Watkins.

      yeah doesn't exactly sound like a closed door

        Hopefully we can get it done before the weekend.

        Gazza M we’re doubling down on bore bore bore then cross it in and hope someone gets a head on it tactic. #midblockbuster