2024 US Election
Burnwinter yep that's the entire West in a nutshell really.
Past Sunday was the first time in my adult life I didn't vote. Never believed this country was an actual democracy at any point but there were literally zero options this time round. Felt liberating not partaking in this shitshow
JazzG Problem is a lot of Europeans talk the big talk
I despise Macron running round for photo ops in an armoured vest like anyone, but I reckon the average US citizen has less idea what war means than the average European, much less people living in Warsaw Pact countries.
The US is now imploding on the European stage because its two major parties have kicked off a categorical disagreement on NATO while there's an extremely bloody war on Europe's border, a war that the US has hurried along at every step. It's a grotesque situation.
Interesting seeing blokes with beards dressed up as women dancing, has Trump gone woke?
I gotta start seriously looking into self exile.
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jones ha I posted about Potra on Monday, he got arrested today lol. He made 7 mil euros in 6 years to guard mines in Sierra Leon for a romanian piece of shit called Frank Timis and for some Chinese company. He made over 1 mil peryear, the owner made hundreds of millions while the african workers made 50$ per month.
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Claudius I think there's a way to get through. I tried to paint the picture to my Uncle from the perspective of an American. One who had lost their home and neighborhood and livelihood and family members in a war against an imaginary militarily and economically superior neighbor. This neighbor had occupied your land, fenced you in, controlled every aspect of your economy, and your life basically. Turned you into a second class citizen, you know, the whole apartheid bit. And recently they'd banished you and what's left of your family into a rotten refugee camp in Utah. And then, this country's sponsor, the ones that create and supply their money, weapons of war and destruction and death and the associated technology, comes into the picture and says he wants to do all that on your sisters blood. Luxury hotel and resort development. On the blood of the hundreds of thousands that have died/injured in this struggle. I asked if he would think this person is a genius visionary?
jones How do you feel now if you supported this? It would've been far better if that useless spook on the roof had put a bullet in him.
editorial section will now be focused on free markets and personal freedoms? what does that even look like? such capitalist gobbledygook