Ricky1985 agree with meaty. that shows lots of what I like about rice, but not the subversive, metronomic probing I like to have from our 6. you have to have a special feel for the game to play that way, and unfortunately few English mids really have that quality at an elite level. in any case, with the midfield makeover we're going to have there will be lots of changing responsibility. we don't need a like for like trade of parteys qualities as long as there's good ingredients in there wholistically. there's so much synergy with how arteta sets us up, that the ingredients in the backline and front line impacts how the 6 will be asked to play. if rice is indeed our 6, hopefully he's given license to drive forward with the ball. that's one of his qualities I'm most excited about. he can still potentially dominate and control midfield for us as a 6