If you're reading this, then hopefully the domain has redirected and you can now access the new forum.
To sign in you'll need to reset your password (which unlike on the previous forum, should now work). Remember, the following users need to use a different username for signing in:
@ lordulaarsenal -> lorddulaarsenal
A_G -> AG
AAStyle- -> AAStyle
Ambitionz az a goonah -> Ambitionzazagoonah
Anfield 1884 -> Anfield1884
arsedoc md -> arsedocmd
Arsenal in Aus -> ArsenalinAus
Avenell Road -> AvenellRoad
Big Willie -> BigWillie
Bold Tone -> BoldTone
Bring Back Kerrea Gilbert -> BringBackKerreaGilbert
Chambers Can Play Anywhere -> ChambersCanPlayAnywhere
Chili Palmer -> ChiliPalmer
Citizen No 9 -> CitizenNo9
Cof Mixture -> CofMixture
d_REX17 -> dREX17
dave_rwr -> daverwr
David Smith -> DavidSmith
Delhi_Gooner -> DelhiGooner
Diaby KungFu -> DiabyKungFu
Dial Square -> DialSquare
DK Gooner -> DKGooner
Don Draper -> DonDraper
Don Pacifico -> DonPacifico
dot_asp -> dotasp
Eccentricgooner -> Eccentricgooner
El Genio de Oviedo -> ElGeniodeOviedo
evoh_1 -> evoh1
Exiled In Newcastle -> ExiledInNewcastle
Famous no 10 -> Famousno10
Fantastic Mr.Fox -> FantasticMrFox
Francis Jeffers' Awful Career -> FrancisJeffersAwfulCareer
G.G -> GG
Gazza M -> GazzaM
Godsend_Gooner -> GodsendGooner
Henry 14th -> Henry14th
Henry Sellers -> HenrySellers
Henry's Lovechild -> HenrysLovechild
I Am Arsenal Till I Die -> IamArsenalTillIDie
Irish gunner -> Irishgunner
Irish-Owen -> IrishOwen
jay-d -> jayd
Jellon Lamb -> JellonLamb
Johnny Bravo -> JohnnyBravo
keano_afc -> keanoafc
Kel Varnsen -> KelVarnsen
Kurt Eisner -> KurtEisner
ludovic van zis -> ludovicvanzis
M+D -> MD
Maxi_Gooner -> MaxiGooner
Mr. X -> MrX
Muswell Hill Gooner -> MuswellHillGooner
number_0 -> number0
ohboy!!! -> ohboy
Oleg Fudge Knee -> OlegFudgeKnee
Oscar Wood -> OscarWood
Paulie Walnuts -> PaulieWalnuts
Prawn Sandwich -> PrawnSandwich
Pretty Toney -> PrettyToney
Quincy Abeyie -> QuincyAbeyie
Qwiss! -> Qwiss
Ron Burgundy -> RonBurgundy
Row Jimmy -> RowJimmy
SA Gunner -> SAGunner
SF-Gooner -> SFGooner
SL Gooner -> SLGooner
spaceman spiff -> spacemanspiff
Sydney Gooner -> SydneyGooner
Tambourine Man -> TambourineMan
The Awenger -> TheAwenger
the dawn raids -> thedawnraids
the goonfather -> thegoonfather
the slowest -> theslowest
Tim-bob -> Timbob
Tony Montana -> TonyMontana
truth_hurts -> truthhurts
ultimate_warrior -> ultimatewarrior
y va marquer -> yvamarquer
If you have any issues with this, you can email me at mikebanim@gmail.com, or get me on twitter @MikeBanim.
I am still faffing about with redirects and such and moving filestructures was a bit messy, so if you notice any defects, please post them in there.