Gazza M wrote:
how would we feel spending 120m on white, ramsden and Abraham?
The question that matters isn't about how much we spend on these three players, but how do we feel about these guys starting for us next season?
If we loaned Abraham it would be alright, I suppose. I'm no great fan of his at all, but he would be more useful to us over a season than Lacazette - mainly because he has functioning legs. If the sale by Chelsea is to fund Haaland signing then we would really have to forget entirely about being anywhere near them in the League though!
Ramsdale I don't know much about. He has never impressed me when I've seen him. I don't know if he's particularly good with his feet? If he is, I haven't noticed. Leno was a liability last season in my opinion because of how bad he is with his feet, though, so I'm open to change - I think it's as vital as any other position where we're in need.
If White is as good as many say he is and looks on Youtube then I'm delighted, and couldn't give a monkeys about the money that fans care about so much.