Klaus wrote:jones wrote:Also the next coach has to be a fucking dictator. Unacceptable from damn near everyone
You almost want us to appoint Felix Magath, horrible though he is, just to give these assholes a proper shock. Remember that story about how Wolfsburg was on preseason in Austria and he cancelled training and told them he'd take them out for coffee and cake? He just failed to mention that the café was at the top of a mountain and they had to run the whole way. Several players broke down and cried, Grafite puked himself unconscious and had to be picked up by an ambulance, and Magath was running the whole way behind them to make sure no one escaped.
His first demand at Fulham was that they'd build him a pyramid platform in concrete that he could stand on top of and look down on the players every training.
I was actually thinking of that vermin when I wrote the post. His methods were borderline aggravated assault like when he had his squad of 30 run like 5km up a hill and keep only 20 bottles of water ready at the top. Doesn't sound like the most inappropriate approach to reach some of these fuckers.