Ricky1985 wrote:

Zlatan was 36 years old and had no resale value though. Ramsey is, as you said, a £50m player.

He was 34, and he's an entire commercial industry. Ramsey'll never be worth half as much off the pitch... and probably not on it either.

Ricky1985 wrote:

Whether you believe him or not is up to you, but Sanllehi said Ramsey had incredible offers from multiple clubs that Arsenal could not match. So that's from the horse's mouth.

Safe to say I don't. We offered a contract that Ramsey's camp were willing to accept, and then we took it off the table. Maybe we decided it was too much money, or maybe we just thought it was too much for someone Emery was benching at the time. But a deal was offered and accepted in principle. How could he have offers when he wasn't even allowed to talk to other clubs until January? And even if he got contacted unofficially, how would Sanllehi know?

You've got the unofficial press secretary of Arsenal suggesting that Aaron Ramsey will be the third highest player in the history of football, and you've got other sources opposing that. The sheer implausability of the whole claim doesn't merit further argument in my opinion.

I assume the reality is that clubs are well aware that agents are talking to other clubs all the time. As the clubs themselves are doing with potential signings. Otherwise, how would an agent know what his player is worth if he hasn't spoken to other clubs to gauge the market for him?

Ricky1985 wrote:

Otherwise, how would an agent know what his player is worth if he hasn't spoken to other clubs to gauge the market for him?

They look at comparable players in the market probably. They know what their own clients earn at other clubs.

You don't think it would be a good idea for Ramsey's agent to speak to agents operating on behalf of Europe's top 5-10 clubs to see what sort of interest there is in his client and once that's established, the amount of money they'd be willing to offer?

You genuinely think that doesn't happen? Including agents operating on behalf of Arsenal in the reverse situation?

Seems like standard practice from where I sit. The only time any club ever has a problem with it is when the club that owns the player has him on a long contract and has expressly said they won't sell.

Of course I think they speak behind the scenes. I don't think they call around to every top club and ask them what they'll be willing to pay for a player on a free transfer though because that's insane.

This is all moot though. I repeat, we made an offer that was accepted in principle. If we had a change of heart and decided it was too much money then that's on Raul.

it's laughable to think that arsenal made an offer that ramsey wanted to sign but we just magically pulled it when he was ready even though it was on the table for a while. what's more likely is that gazidis had an offer on the table and ramsey's team were still working the market trying to get a better deal. gazidis resigned and raul said fuck this repeating the same mistakes nonsense and said that offer is no longer valid, sign with one of the clubs you're currently talking with.

Klaus wrote:

Of course I think they speak behind the scenes. I don't think they call around to every top club and ask them what they'll be willing to pay for a player on a free transfer though. That's the sort of thing that gets you suspended by FIFA and there are many clubs who'd love to put an agent on the spot, as seen with Raiola this summer.

That's literally Bayerns modus operandi for the last decade at least.

Klaus wrote:

Of course I think they speak behind the scenes. I don't think they call around to every top club and ask them what they'll be willing to pay for a player on a free transfer though because that's insane.

This is all moot though. I repeat, we made an offer that was accepted in principle. If we had a change of heart and decided it was too much money then that's on Raul.

Where did you read it was accepted in principle?

Seemed more like we offered a deal with a deadline, the agent tried to bluff it, and we stuck to our guns and pulled it

Honestly Klaus, love your guts mate but you have nothing solid to back up the theory that an acceptable offer was made to Ramsey, and it makes no sense. When an acceptable offer gets made, it gets accepted.

Maybe Gazidis was prepared to give Ramsey a near-Ozil money contract but thankfully the egg cunt left and Raul took over the discussions and said, "thanks but no thanks".


Whatever the case, I’m glad we don’t have a Ramsey contract. One less idiotic contract to deal with. We should’ve sold him though, and already brought in a Rabiot or other accessible player.

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