Klaus wrote:
Ricky1985 wrote:
Explains the ridiculous time it's taken. Also surely rules out Neymar going there.
I would love it so much if that piece of shit club went bust again. Then again the government will probably just bail them out this time too.
Not sure it would be so easy for them to do so after the hand out they took after the GFC. There were reports at the time that Germany threatened to veto the bail out funding that they provided as the Spanish Sports Minister had made a statement about waiving the unpaid taxes owed to them by the football clubs. As a result the clubs had to enter into a payment plan & scgedule with the Govt withholding 30% of annual revenues against required payments.
Unfortunately Barca, RM, Atletico and Espanyol are/were all registered as trusts as from the '90s, and as such they do/did not pay any taxes other than on wages, although there had been some talk from the Govt/opposition about removing their 'special status' regarding their tax exemptions. Likewise the left wing opposition in Madrid have also said they will re-investigate the deal between RM and the City regarding the sale of their training ground in the '90s that raised the funds for the first Galacticos squad, as they think the club owes the City over 200m.