Klaus wrote:
Sicario wrote:

Ironic post given you contribute to the negatively when the likes of you and Gurgen bash our manager every 5 mins.

I meant, and I thought this was obvious to everyone, that the team could use a bit of positivity. Who the hell cares about fans on an Internet forum? They have nothing to do with where we finish in the table.

‘The fans from the internet’ got Wenger sacked.

No they didn't. Wenger got sacked because he was about to miss out on Champions League for the second year in a row following the worst run of games in his 22 years at the club.

He got sacked because fans didn’t show up to games and we were losing revenue. Money talks. Where do you think these fans talk and agree to not going to games?

Sure money talks, and missing out on Champions League was a significantly bigger loss than a few fans protesting by leaving seats empty that they'd already paid for anyway.

Wenger in his last years stopped working the sort of miracles that made it possible for the board to service the debt and turn a profit despite putting very little funds into transfers. He began wasting more money and got worse results in return. It's a fairly straightforward situation.

Guessing he'll mainly play wing, and will fill in as one of the midfield 3 if needed

We really need one these lowkey buys to be unexpectedly brilliant for us

Can someone put up a clip of the most amazing thing(s) Denis Suarez (it feels like we tried to sign "Luis Suarez" but got the bloke from the pub instead) has ever done on a football field so I can feel good about this?

He really does look like Ramsey. Feels like a Ross vs Russ situation.

Let's hope he doesn't have his leg broken by a doppelganger of Shawcross in his first few weeks in England.

goon wrote:

He really does look like Ramsey. Feels like a Ross vs Russ situation.

😆 😆

Burnwinter wrote:

Can someone put up a clip of the most amazing thing(s) Denis Suarez (it feels like we tried to sign "Luis Suarez" but got the bloke from the pub instead) has ever done on a football field so I can feel good about this?

That's his comp under emery. Tidy at best

Hopefully unai can get him to another level

Burnwinter wrote:

Let's hope he doesn't have his leg broken by a doppelganger of Shawcross in his first few weeks in England.

Talk about a damp blanket

We desperately need tidy, technically accomplished players to be honest.

Don't think he's cut out for the Premier League, to be honest.

BWoolley wrote:

Don't think he's cut out for the Premier League, to be honest.

Was thinking the same, he just seems too lightweight. Deulofeu Level.

So does Emery - he explicitly said that he thinks Denis S would struggle with the physicality of the league.

Wait. You guys know I get all my Arsenal news from here, right? So which is it - did he explicitly say so, or not?

Thanks for the link, Bwoolley

Wouldn't call that explicit!

Welcome to the Arsenal, Denis.

Never seen him play. Hopefully he's good.

This seems like a good deal, hopefully he proves himself worthy of signing permanently.

Least excited I’ve been about an Arsenal signing.

Guy looks weak as fuck and can’t see him making a difference tbh.

He’s actually quite fiesty with excellent work ethic

I like him a lot. He’s a very clever player

@lorddulaarsenal wrote:

He’s actually quite fiesty with excellent work ethic

I like him a lot. He’s a very clever player

Much better compilation than the ones posted earlier. He's a potentially great player, his first touch is probably top 3 at Arsenal. That assist for Bacca vs Liverpool was great, half our squad would break their foot trying to control it like that first time

His one weakness is he dips in and out of games too often but that's because he barely gets game time, think that can be rectified quickly

Sicario wrote:

Least excited I’ve been about an Arsenal signing.

Guy looks weak as fuck and can’t see him making a difference tbh.

Must you always be so negative? You'll get Emery fired any minute.

david silva joined city at a similar time in his career and there were similar doubts about him at the time. the physically weaker guys can still make an impact if they're talented and clever enough

Wasn't he Spain's U21 captain? Remember vaguely watching him play for them thinking this kid was amazing. Memory could be failing me though.

i meant there were doubts about him physically coming to the epl. and modric too. it can work if you're good enough, so let's hope denis falls into that category

Haven't seen him enough for an informed opinion on him but Cesc was weak too. His brain and technique was another level however. I am not worried about his slight frame if he is a quick thinking footballer who constantly moves, has good technique and a bit of fight in him.

He will be a big plus by only being more consistent and productive than Iwobi which shouldn't be hard.

HomeSteak wrote:
goon wrote:

He really does look like Ramsey. Feels like a Ross vs Russ situation.

😆  😆

We really replacing Ramsey with Ramsey.

Sicario wrote:

Least excited I’ve been about an Arsenal signing.

Guy looks weak as fuck and can’t see him making a difference tbh.

He is replacing Ozil so you should be chuffed to bits.
I heard him say Iniesta is his idol and if he is half of what peak-Iniesta was, it help us no end as the current Ozil replacements have beeen very ordinary.

Jed wrote:
HomeSteak wrote:

😆  😆

We really replacing Ramsey with Ramsey.

Technically we are not replacing him, but adding another Ramsey. And as it stands right now, only till the end of the season. Win win.

Gazza M wrote:

david silva joined city at a similar time in his career and there were similar doubts about him at the time. the physically weaker guys can still make an impact if they're talented and clever enough

Agreed in general but Silva was a much bigger talent in Spain. Was pissed off to no end that we didn't even try to sign him from Valencia but 30m to us back then was like a 100m transfer today

Carrasco would have been a better signing albeit more maverick.

Anyway, I’m willing to give this Suarez guy a chance. Will comment again after I’ve seen him play 10 games.

Can he play in Europa league or is he cup tied?