Coombs wrote:
jones wrote:
I find it interesting how the centre or focus of debate here has shifted since 2016. Back then I was considered crass for calling Hillary Obama Holder etc out as the crooked rats they are now Warren is (rightfully) slammed for being a hawk in a dove costume. Not trying to toot my own horn I just wonder if there's been a shift in OMIT stances overall or whether it's mostly different people discussing stuff here.
I mean, I still don't agree with some of the ways you are characterizing people. The truth was never "somewhere in the middle" like people like to say, but it also wasn't in blanket condemnation.
If Warren were the nominee I'd vote for her, and I couldn't care one iota about the democratic party. I also don't think that voting for someone, or even supporting them in any way, is a wholesale commitment to insisting that their shit doesn't stink.
You gotta take it as it comes, nobody ever changed the world by being right about everything. Give it a rest.
If I was a yank and Warren ran I'd vote for her, I wouldn't be happy about it but I'd do it. I wouldn't leave my house to vote for Bloomberg, Biden, Buttigieg, etc though and I wouldn't have voted for Hillary. Warren is a snake, I wouldn't trust her but at least shes making some motions towards positive change, even if its very small incrementalist stuff.
On Jones point I was in agreement with him then and am now. Whats interesting is that 4 years ago Warren was considered too radical and left wing by the DNC. Now they'd give anything to have her instead of Bernie. I think generally there is a shift in politics. The left is growing. Corbyn may have lost the election but he's realigned the British left, Sanders has re-aligned the American left, we've just had the best election ever for the left here in Ireland and I think we'll see a trend continue across Europe over the coming years.