What a shit goal
We're playing 100 times better now though.
What a shit goal
We're playing 100 times better now though.
Iwobi! We deserved that. Really going at them
they had to score....that was just too much pressure
Iwobi uses the force!!!
Super play this is much much better
Lampard's First Law of Football: if you don't shoot, you don't definitely won't get the goal.
Having Ramsey in the box with the front 4 really helps keep the pressure on.
Iwobi is so positive every time he gets on the ball. He looks to be more comfortable on the right to provide the width.
Ramsey playing striker again.
By the way the goal came from a good steal by Monreal. Been pretty good today without needing to face Barrow.
Iwobi really up for it today, good to see
ox on for ollyg
Segway wrote:Ramsey playing striker again.
It made sense before the goal but he could sit deep now.
Giroud off for Ox.
Clrnc wrote:Iwobi is so positive every time he gets on the ball. He looks to be more comfortable on the right to provide the width.
He's moved to the left now.
ozil gonna play goalie next
What a soft shot
Back to playing poorly now.
Ox should have been selfish there
hahahahaha... OG by naughton.. good.. he's been a prick today
Iwobi again. That's what happens when you are positive with your runs