The thing is I agree with the refs having protection, otherwise players and managers will do anything to influence them. However it has gone the other way now, they are completely immune to criticism and they know that. If they incorrectly give a yellow card that can't be challenged and this season the standard has dropped unacceptably low. Look anyone can make a mistake, the part that gets me is no accountability and they know unless they fuck up real bad nothing will happen.
Personally I feel foreign referees need to be bought in as well as video referees, these guys are living in the comfort zone and need to feel some pressure to keep their standards up. Football fans love to go on about how video refs will ruin the game, some people are so resistant to change it is harming the sport. Football is not like 30 years ago, the players are much quicker and the game is played at a much quicker tempo now. It is hard for referees to keep up.