Karadzic was a psycho and a war criminal who arranged for the slaughter of nearly ten thousand people.
Trump is an awful man who I can imagine signing off on that much and worse, but seems to come from a very different place.
He was born into a family that already knew everything about how to accumulate wealth and land bending the rules where necessary, and he refined what he learnt. They were pragmatically racist, pretending they were from a Swedish background to avoid the disapprobation of their Jewish customers and business partners, and systematically avoiding letting property to black tenants to accommodate the racism of the broader public.
(And maybe they were ideologically racist too, if the rumours about Fred Trump being in the KKK are correct.)
Trump is a massive piece of shit, a glutton for massing money and property like fifty shithead landlords rolled into one, but the same guy who drafted the narcissistic personality disorder description in the DSM-5 reckons that on the evidence, he's only a massive piece of shit.