Ozil's 2nd half of the first half display against Chelsea was the best I've seen an Arsenal play since Cesc v. Milan in 2008. He was playing like a true world class player who knew he was the best player on the pitch.

That goal he scored is nothing short of amazing. The turn, the pass and the goal which he clearly meant. This was by far his best performance in a big game since he destroyed England in South Africa.

Seriously, he played with so much swagger, it was like watching Ronaldhino in 2006.

definitely not clear. especially from a player that doesn't strike the ball all that well to begin with anyway. if that's van persie, berkgamp, henry, accomplished strikers of the ball then you could say they meant it. now if it's a pass that looks like a mishit i'd say he meant it.

Thought his performance vs Bayern last season was better.

Özil has had better games for us.

He clearly fluked that finish. Everything before that was class though.

Looked a mis-hit to me too. He played very well though.

I think he meant to hit into into the ground to give him maximum chance of scoring but it still required fortune to go in

I think he wanted to hit it into the ground as well (he hits it with his side foot - wouldn't shape his foot that way if he was trying to lace it) - but he definitely got lucky with the way it played out.

He's done it before against United:

And for this pass:

The manu one is a better comparison but the Germany one is something only Ronaldinho or Pirlo (and maybe Zidane) would attempt.

He was magical, but I think he had at least half a dozen performances like this last season. He's been insanely good in the last 18-20 months.

Re: the goal, I think he meant for it to hit the ground. The cross from Alexis was so slow that he could have taken the shot at any time but he waited until he could get his foot over the ball. He was lucky with the bounce though. He's just not a good enough finisher to pull that off normally.

I think he was playing the odds on the finish. If he strikes that straight and high, aiming for the top corner, he's less likely to score than if he overcompensates on forcing his shot down. So easy to sky that volley, even for players of his calibre. Always a bit of luck that it actually goes in like that, though.

The finish was as intentional as Theo's control.

flobaba wrote:

The finish was as intentional as Theo's control.

As in he meant to do it, but it would go wrong 9 out of 10 times?

He became a worse finisher, but a much better player.

Don't think his finishing has changed all that much, his goal output has always been fairly sub=par. His highest ever goal tally in a season is 11 which is pretty meh for an attacking midfielder. Luckily he can create double that so it's all good.

He's got a shot at eleven this year!!

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