y va marquer wrote:
You asked why somebody would call a daughter James, I responded with one possible reason.
As someone whose name often causes confusion (lots of people have assumed I was a guy before meeting or speaking to me) I can vouch for the good intentions of my parents in giving me a name that they thought beautiful and special.
There will always be people who get wound up over "funny" names, seem to take it as a personal affront if a child is called something outside of a list they deem "suitable" or "normal" - fair enough - you can't control how people react to a name.
I would suggest that anyone who gets wound up over a girl named James needs to chill out. I actually think it's a great name for a girl, I might occaisionally change it to Jimmy if it were mine.
Also, Helen Hunt's character in the sitcom "Mad About You" is called James. She gets called Jamie most of the time, but there are many references to her as "James". And not "hamez" either.