goon wrote: banduan wrote: whatever his actual height is it's clear from the vid he's fookin immense. Defender comps are the most unreliable around. Can make any defender look immense. I didn't even think he looked that good in it either. A few mistimed tackles and borderline fouls.
banduan wrote: whatever his actual height is it's clear from the vid he's fookin immense.
whatever his actual height is it's clear from the vid he's fookin immense.
Defender comps are the most unreliable around. Can make any defender look immense. I didn't even think he looked that good in it either. A few mistimed tackles and borderline fouls.
I don't mean he was good - I have no idea if he is. I meant he is literally fookin immense.
goon wrote: Ricky1985 wrote: Same. There were a few times when you could see they actually were fouls but the video didn't roll long enough to see the ref blow the whistle. Yep. There's also a few that are not comprehensive and you have a loose ball with him out of the game on the ground. He might be a good/very good defender, frankly I've not seen him live but that comp didn't really do anything for me. I also don't trust OMITT as it led me to believe Mangala was one of the best defenders on the planet.
Ricky1985 wrote: Same. There were a few times when you could see they actually were fouls but the video didn't roll long enough to see the ref blow the whistle.
Same. There were a few times when you could see they actually were fouls but the video didn't roll long enough to see the ref blow the whistle.
Yep. There's also a few that are not comprehensive and you have a loose ball with him out of the game on the ground.
He might be a good/very good defender, frankly I've not seen him live but that comp didn't really do anything for me. I also don't trust OMITT as it led me to believe Mangala was one of the best defenders on the planet.
Saw a fair bit of Napoli last season - super little team
Koulibaly is actually very switched on and has a good sense for danger
By the way Insigne is fab
Jorginho is another gem but we not what we need now
Yeah, Insigne is great. He reminds me a little bit of Cazorla back when he still had his pace and was ripping La Liga teams apart on the wing.
Skins people on the inside with consummate ease too!
Don't start 😆
What are his wages?
Dules do you actually use words like "fab" in real life?
He's a child of the 80s mate. I've been known to call things "rad" and "ace" … even "mintox" on occasion.
Always thought "rad" was a white people word. Similarly i've never heard a straight man say fabolous or fab
"Rad" is definitely a white people word—Californian or at least west coast, I think. "Fab" though is quite different from "fabulous" …
Yeah I use fab. I use lots of words of that ilk, it's one of the reasons I'm as engaging as I am.
Good to know Burns, didn't know that thought it was just an abbreviation.
No offence meant btw Dula, it's the 21st century everybody can be as fab as and with whoever they want
jones wrote: Good to know Burns, didn't know that thought it was just an abbreviation.
No, you have it right now Jones: fabulous is a homosexual word the use of which makes you a homosexual, whereas fab is merely a slightly tongue in cheek superlative with no particular bearing on the heterosexuality of its utterer.
Wait, homosexual? Not sure what you're talking about there Burns, I just thought fab or fabulous sounded funny. When I said "straight man" I obviously meant a frank, serious person as opposed to a joker
This is almost as special as the woeful conversation I'm forced to overhear on the night bus right now.
jones wrote: Wait, homosexual? Not sure what you're talking about there Burns, I just thought fab or fabulous sounded funny. When I said "straight man" I obviously meant a frank, serious person as opposed to a joker
Ah, I see. I didn't realise you were so unsifted in perilous circumstance as to not understand the most elementary colloquial connotations of the very words and phrases that you speak. I'll moderate my expectations regarding your probable comprehension of what must seem to you to be astonishingly abstruse and sophisticated philosophical concepts to a grade more commensurate with the astounding unworldliness that you've now made plain to all. 😉
Don Pacifico wrote: This is almost as special as the woeful conversation I'm forced to overhear on the night bus right now.
Quick, record and post it. 🙂
Too late Burnsy. Don's probably in the land of nod now with a wee smile in his face. Gonna get the shock of his life when he stirs to find a big burly hairy arm resting over him.