And then there's Mario Balotelli. This guy's head isn't wired properly
The Tucker McRoy Den: funny pics, vids and whatnots
I like the Swedish idea whereby your fine is not a fixed amount but a certain % of your income.
Reminds of the story of the millionaire, his ferrari and a new york bank vault.
He entered one of the big banks over there and asked for a $10k loan, leaving his car as the security deposit. A month later he returned, handed back the $10k in cash (+ whatever interest) and just before he drove off, one of the staff asked why he had bothered as it seemed ludicrous that he would need such a small loan.
His reply was "where else in New York city can you get secure parking, for a month basically for free".
(story was something like that anyway)
What the fuck
People are weird.
Worst dive in history?
I've seen Nani do worse!
What exactly is going on in that clip?
That's hilarious, Ronald.
Rick; not sure really. I think it's a court room.
Holy crap, she's out cold.
Tbf, he won that battle of Swiss ball rutting fair and square. She needs to get up, dust herself down and get on with it.
Ron Burgundy wrote:
Solved the reason for so many of our training accidents!
Agree with Tim she needs to harden the fuck up and stop acting like an Arsenal player.
I love the way the ball rolls back and gives her a final nudge as if to say just that.
@ GM lucky Al doesn't twitter.
Caligula wrote:And then there's Mario Balotelli. This guy's head isn't wired properly
Throwing darts at a youth player?! I wonder what goes on in a brain just before you come to the conclusion that that is a good thing to do.
at least he didnt bring an air rifle to training and shoot some kid with it, no one would be that stupid
some of these people belong in institutions
Pepe LeFrits wrote:
What the fuck
We should get out of the forum and live a little Peps.
Now thats the sort of kid Wenger should be signing instead of ball juggling Nancys.
or this kid
oh wait, he's already been signed up
As our good chum Rio would say, this guy gets merked