After a few tries it got so easy everything was easy to memorise. Only the first try counted.
Rex wrote: You can say it's too easy when you have 220, otherwise you need to pipe up, son!
You can say it's too easy when you have 220, otherwise you need to pipe up, son!
It's pipe down, son.
I was actually pleased with my 110. 🙁
Rex wrote: Ok, now have 220. Fuck y'all, I'm unbeatable!
Ok, now have 220. Fuck y'all, I'm unbeatable!
Pics or gtfo
How do I screenshot on the IPad?
Home button + lock button at the same time
Need to push and hold the home button first though, otherwise the ipad will lock instead.
I got 90 points but I got 9 out of 9. I had no idea it was timed.
I actually managed to make the site reload when trying to screenshot, so I had to get 220 again and then take a pic off my cellphone. Bitches... 🙂
First try 80 points 😆 That's the only score that should count I reckon.
otfgoon wrote: I got 90 points but I got 9 out of 9. I had no idea it was timed.
🙂 Just had the same problem, didn't realise until thirty seconds to go I was on the clock. Got 80.
Ev, don't be a sore loser about it now. 🙂
Rex it took you about 40 attempts to break 200 😆 The first attempt's the best gauge is all.
It didn't take 40! I'll admit it was closer to 40 than 1 though. 🙂
Rex wrote:
Did you get 210 points on first try IG? Impressive
Got 165, misclicked once. Fun idea but should be reworked and have a bigger pool of players.
The questions are a bit uneven in difficulty - one question it's charting the career path of Zinedine Zidane, the next it's Lee Tomlin and two equally insignificant nobodies from the backwaters of British football...
Irish gunner wrote: Rex wrote: 210 is definitely houseboat. Did it again and had 140.
Rex wrote: 210 is definitely houseboat. Did it again and had 140.
210 is definitely houseboat. Did it again and had 140.
Hang on, you guessed more correctly than there were questions? 😆
220? It was tough, but I got there in the end.