I got 110 on my first attempt.
Quite fun.
160 points. How did you get 5?
210 points
Minus points.
210 is definitely houseboat. Did it again and had 140.
160 - was a bit too trigger-happy.
Good game.
Rex wrote: 210 is definitely houseboat. Did it again and had 140.
Pfft. You can find anything on the interweb... 🙂
Rex just can't accept that someone got more points than him. 😆
Rex, don't jealous Irish.
Six times in and I've only managed 180. 🙁
Managed to get 170 on my second go after realising there was a timer. Not sure if it's only like that on an iPhone though.
By the way I thought Irish was just winding you up when he posted that image showing 23 questions answered correctly out of 22 like wtf. Got the same thing myself saying I answered 17 out of 16 correctly. This game's creator needs to go back to maths class.
I'm obsessed. 200 now. I won't rest until I at least equal Irish and his made up points. 🙂
Ok, now have 220. Fuck y'all, I'm unbeatable!
The game choices are mostly too easy. The first 2 clubs normally tells you the answer because the other 2 choices are not possible.
You can say it's too easy when you have 220, otherwise you need to pipe up, son!